Part 16- Finale

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Letting you go


Dear Eunjoo,

Hello Eunjoo how are you? I'm guessing that you're very happy right now since you can see again, right? Good, you should smile more often cause it's suits you more. I can't bare watching you hurting or sad:,-) When the nurse told me what happened to you, I was so worried that I even rush my way towards the hospital. When I saw you laying on the bed, unconscious and full with bandages, it hurts me. It was my fault, I admit it. I didn't stop you from leaving and I should have protected you. But we can't bring it back since it already happened, the most important thing is that, you're now safe and sound. Eunjoo, I wanted to say sorry, I didn't know that you were suffering and that, I failed to be the best boyfriend that you' would ever had. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not being there with you when you needed me the most, I'm sorry for not making time for you and I'm sorry for not giving you the happiness that you deserve. And also when the day that we fought, I was supposed to propose to you-

Eunjoo stopped midway on the letter, her eyes blurry from all the tears. She looked at the desk and there was a small red velvety box. With a shaking hands she grabs it and slowly opening with a deep breath. And there, a beautiful ring that she wanted to buy years ago. Eunjoo covered her mouth as flashbacks of the past flashed in her mind. Tears running down, pursing her lips tight as she tried to hold her emotions. She held the ring and put it on her ring finger. It fits perfectly and looks beautiful. She hesitates to continue on reading the letter, as to she knows what will be written next.

-but I guess we aren't meant to have a happy ending. And that eyes you had right now, it's actually mine. You know I would do anything for you Eunjoo, I would die for you. Even if I lose my sight, the one thing I want and the only thing I want is to be with you, it's full of darkness but at least I'm with you. But sadly, I cannot. It's because... I'm finally letting you go, Eunjoo... You deserve more, you deserve to be happy, the happiness that I cannot give you. And what you said was right, if we didn't end this then the suffering won't end. It's just it hurts me to accept it, that it was the truth. This letter is getting longer, so I'll be ending this now. I'm wishing you a happy life, you can now do what you want without someone who always scolds you if you did something wrong. Take care Eunjoo, and take care of my eyes also. Thank you for the amazing seven years in my life and thank you for making me feel loved. And for the last time Eunjoo, I loved you.


Eunjoo let go of the paper, feeling all her strength went away. Sobbing and felt different kinds of emotions.

She should be happy right? This is what she wanted. The freedom to do anything she wanted. But why did she cry? It's because she still loves him. She used to think that she doesn't love him, because she think it will be easier for her to let go and, forgot him. But it was harder than she thought it would be. She regrets it now. She shouldn't have act like a jerk to him. She didn't think of his feelings, she blame it all to him without knowing that he's also hurting. She shouldn't have done it.

She felt her knees just gave up and slowly falling on the ground. Sobbing continuously while she holds her stomach. She just lost two precious person of her life, her baby and now, the love of her life. Yes, she already knows, since she woken up and after Hyunggu left her to take a rest. Eunjoo's life was a mess, she cannot accept this, feeling her heart was stabbed by million knives and feeling it aching.

Hyunggu was sitting on the balcony, feeling the air gently blowing his hair. Closing his eyes and take a breath in as he listen to the song on what's playing on the radio. And it happens their favorite song was played on the radio. Opening his eyes as soon as it started and let out a sigh. Infront of him is a beautiful sight, a red and orange hue in the sky mixed together creating a beautiful pink tint painted all over the sky, but too bad he cannot see it. He wonders what she have been up to, hoping that she's living a happy life now, without him. The pain was still there, but he always remind himself that it was the right thing to do.

On the other hand, her sister, Minju was watching his older brother on the doorstep, with sympathy. She walks in and join his brother on the balcony. Hyunggu, feeling her presence, looks at her direction and smiled.

"Minju." He guessed. Minju sigh and caressed his cheeks.

"Are you okay?" She asked in a soft tone and concern was present on her voice. Hyunggu smiled.

"I'm okay Minju, I did the right thing.", He said in a whisper. Minju can't help but let out a tear, cannot watch his brother in this state. She hugs him sideways and putting her chin on his shoulder. She has high respect for him, she always had. He sacrifices his eyes and happiness for Eunjoo's happiness is just the bravest thing that he did.

Hyunggu didn't move for a moment and soon responds to her hug. Hugging her sister properly this time while rubbing her back. Hearing her sisters sobs making him worried and let her cry in his embrace.

I hope you're now happy, Eunjoo.

The end.

It's the end of the story and thank you for reading it until the end(。•́︿•̀。) I'm going to miss this book alot.

Thank you so much for the never ending support, especially to mlsandeuniqca for giving my book a read and votes! Here's a heart for you.🙆💜

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