Part 13

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It has been three weeks since the incident happen. Eunjoo wasn't feeling the best this week, she has been vomiting every morning and had this back pain for two days already. It makes her thought of taking a pregnancy test. Taking a deep breath, with a trembling hands before she takes the test.

And it turns out positive.

Staring at the two lines, emotionless, she felt drain and empty. She doesn't know what to do. Whether she will abort the child, but it wasn't the best choice. She wasn't ready for this. She tried to contact Junseo but he wouldn't reply on her texts.

Read at 1:30pm

Junseo, I need to tell you something.
Read at 1:53pm

Junseo! Why aren't you replying on my texts?
Sent at 2:30 pm

What is it, Eunjoo?
Read at 2:33pm

Junseo, I'm pregnant.

No, that can't be. I cannot accept this, I am not the father of the child.

Yes it is! Junseo you can't do this to me.

With a teary eyes she put down her phone and finally broke down in tears. Now that Junseo isn't clearly ready for this and doesn't accept the child, she even felt more broken. Regretting her past choices and feel the guilt lingering inside her. She regrets it, she really do. She doesn't want her child to grow up without a father, it's because she knows it will affect the child. But what about Hyunggu? No, it's her fault and her responsibility to take care of it. She wish that she didn't come to the party, she wish she could travel back in time, she wish that everything is just a nightmare, but worse it isn't. Her life was a complete mess. She wish someone will put back the pieces together but it wasn't easy as it sounds like.


Gyunghui was having a time on her life, enjoying every seconds with her sisters. It has been ages since she last visited their home. But, her phone pings making herself excused at her sisters and went outside to get some privacy. It was that 'weird unknown guy' again.

Mad Man:
I got something that will make you go madly insane. :^)

What is it this time?

Mad Man:

This, oh and I really work hard just to get this information.;)

Gyunghui sighed and shakes her head. What's up with this weird guy again? She thought and later her phone pings, just received a response from him. It was a video. She got curious and didn't hesitate to play the video.

She felt angry, betrayed and hatred. It was her beloved man and one of her friends, making out. She clenched her jaw, bawling her fist as her knuckles turns white from the anger she's feeling.

Just wait, Eunjoo. I'll get what you deserve.


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