Part 2

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The sight of Eunjoo makes him froze. Her makeup were all smudged up and her lips were so dry. She looks horrible. He blames himself again. It was his fault because he can't be always there for her to take care of her.

Hyunggu carried Eunjoo on his shoulder as if she didn't weight at all.

"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience." He apologized to the bartender then the bartender only nod at him. He was supposed to leave but,

"Wait!" The bartender said which makes him stop walking then turned to her.

"Please take care of her." She said with worried in her voice. He only give him a small smile then nod, he can't promise that  he can take care of her since he works everyday. After all, he's the reason why this happened in the first place.

Hyunggu put Eunjoo's body on the passenger seat then went to the driver's seat and started driving. As they arrived, he opened the cars door then tried to wake Eunjoo up.

"Eunjoo." He lightly shakes her shoulders but she was unbothered.

"Eunjoo, wake up we're here. You might get a stiff neck." He tries to shake her shoulder again, minutes later her eyes slowly flutter open.

"You..." She mumbles as she squinted her eyes trying to make her vision clear.

"Did you know that I hate you so much?" Eunjoo said which makes him widened his eyes that caught him off guard.

"I hate you so much it's because no matter how much I tried to push you away you still stayed." Eunjoo continued then a tear suddenly rolled down on her cheek. "Why can't you just dump me just like what other boyfriends would do!" Eunjoo said in between her sobs. Hyunggu only remained quite the whole time as he can't move his body while watching Eunjoo sobs continuously. It brokes his heart seeing Eunjoo cry and know what she was feeling. The answer on Eunjoo's question is only four words. It's because

I still love you...

He thought to himself as a tear rolled down on his cheek. He still loves her. Even though he knows that their relationship got toxic. Even though that it's not the same anymore as the past. Even though she hurts him many times because that's how much he loved her. He promised one thing that is still not fulfilled and he wants it to come true. And they promised to each other that they will love each other no matter what happened. No matter how hard could things would get.

"Eunjoo, let's get you-" Hyunggu tries to touch her but Eunjoo shoved away his hands.

"No! Don't you ever touch me!" Eunjoo blurted out as she tried to stand up and maintain her balance for her not to fall.

"I can walk by myself." She stubbornly said then started walking. As she was walking, she suddenly tripped over because of her high heels but before she falls to the ground, Hyunggu catch her from behind. He held her closer as he looked at her and saw that her eyes were already closed. He then carried her bridal style then let her body rest on the bed. He took off her heels and put a blanket on her. He also took off his shoes and rest his exhausted body on the bed besides her. He looks at the girl besides him as he was lost in his own thoughts again. Alot was going on in his head as he drifted off to sleep with a heavy heart.


As soon as the music end, they rest their exhausted body on the ground. Panting, trying to catch up with their breath.

"20 minutes break then let's practice again."

As you didn't know Hyunggu is a part of a dance group. They are currently practicing for next week as they joined a dancing contest. Every weekend they would practice to perfect the choreography. They won't let a mistake since they've been practicing for months for this. They would join every dance contest that is being held by their town and they are slowly gaining popularity.

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