Part 10

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Hyunggu's flashbacks.


He got can beers for them from the refrigerator then went to the living room where Hyunggu was. He gave the other can to Hyunggu as he sat next to him. Hyunggu thanked him and opened his can, taking a sip.

"What happened?" He asked him as he let out a deep sigh, remembering on why he even went here in the first place.

"We... We fought again." He said in a soft voice and he let out a sigh as he remembered their conversation awhile ago. "She told me to leave her alone, but I just can't, Hyung."

"You still love her?" He asked, stating the fact. Hyunggu nodded as he let out a sigh, taking a sip of his beer.

"What did I do wrong? Ever since then we don't have a proper conversation without shouting and blaming each other. I wanted to have a proper conversation with her, but she's avoiding me." He cries, telling on what have been in his mind.

"Do you remember at least anything before she starts avoiding you?" He asked Hyunggu, trying to understand the situation more. He furrowed his brows as he tried to remember the events before this 'problem' even started.

As school has ended he headed to his favorite place. Entering the building as he greets the librarian kindly and observed the place. Not many students were here, and it seems like the others were convinced to go here. That explains why most of the students here are tired and looks unmotivated since they need to do their homeworks and pass them on time.

Running his hands on the shelves full of books as he's finding something interesting to read. Slowly, he stopped his hand on a book and gets it. A smile formed on his lips as he just found what he wants to read. Scanning the place as he looked for a vacant table where he'll read. He sits on the table near the window and put his bag on the chair besides him.

What he likes about here is the peace and quiet, no noise, no chaos and no distractions. No other noises can be heard except the flickering of the papers. Well, not actually but let's just say it is. Aside from that, books. Bookshelves full of many kind of books.

Flickering the next page as he reads the words using his eyes on the book continuously. The birds were chirping making him looked at the window. He watched as the clouds moving slowly, the birds flying freely in the sky and the students who just finished school after a very long tiring day, a small smile playing his lips. This day was just like any other day, but somehow it isn't.

His phone vibrated on his pocket, excusing himself from the library. He gets out from the building and reads the id caller. A sigh escape from his mouth as he knows why she even called. And the only reason she calls.

"Minju, if you only called just to borrow my comics, then it's a no." He said to the other line but got no response. It was silent for awhile until the girl from the other line decided to speak, surprising Hyunggu.

"No it's not that." She answered him with a sniff, her voice sounds dry like she have been crying for hours. Hyunggu was surprised and waited for her to continue. "It's about dad and m-mom..."

"What about them?" He asked worriedly with a shaking voice.

"They got an accident overseas and a-and... Mom... She didn't s-survive." She announced making Hyunggu dropped his phone, frozen from his spot as he let out a tear.

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