Part 4

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Reminiscing the past


It was a dead silent. Eunjoo thought that it might be because Hayoon is still mad at Gyunghui. They are currently in a restaurant as Hayoon promised days ago.

Eunjoo cleared her throat. "Hayoon? Are you okay?" Eunjoo asked Hayoon who has been sulky since they've arrived.

Hayoon only nodded her head as she gets her phone from her shoulder bag then focused her attention on it.

She still must be mad. Eunjoo thought by the behavior Hayoon shows to her. Eunjoo continues to eat her food in silence.

They have left the restaurant as soon as they finished their food, and now they are currently walking in the middle of the street. Eunjoo looked at Hayoon who has been silent the whole time and been on her phone since then. Eunjoo sighted and remains quiet the whole time as she thought that she doesn't want to talk.

"I have to go." Hayoon spoke for the first time this day then walks out without even give a glance at Eunjoo.

Eunjoo nodded to herself as she thought of what to do today. She gets her phone from her pocket then texted Junseo.

Hey Junseo:-)

Hey, what's up?:-)

Wanna hangout today? Hayoon is sulky today.

Sure! Where are we gonna hangout then?

Wanna go to a karaoke this evening?

Sure! Be there.:-)

Eunjoo puts her phone down with a smile on her face without her noticing it and went back home with the same stupid grin she had on her face.


It's almost 5 in the afternoon as they closed the car wash. Hyunggu bid goodbye to his co-workers then headed to his next job. He applied for another job as a pizza delivery guy earlier then he got accepted immediately and said that he can start tonight.

He stopped infront of a house as what the address they told him. He checks again the address to make sure if it's right. He grabs the boxes of pizza then proceed on walking. He took a deep breath out of nervousness since this is his first delivery before he press the doorbell. He waited for a minute then press the doorbell again. Not long after, the door slightly creaked open revealing a tall figure and when the door fully opened he recognize the tall figure which belongs to the guy who makes him apply to this job.

"Oh, it's nice to see you again." He looks at Hyunggu up and down before meeting with his eyes. "Come in." The guy step aside for him to get inside. He keeps a stoic face as he gets inside then put the boxes of pizza on the table. Even though he hates him so much he needs to keep his composure in order not to create any scandal if he wants to keep his job. All people's eyes were on him as he gets inside but he didn't care at all. Not long after the guy came in with a smirk on his face.

"I see you're working hard ay?" The guy let out a chuckle as Hyunggu looks at him without expression at all.

"By the way," He gets his wallet then get some cash and extend his hand for Hyunggu to get it. "Here, keep the change." Hyunggu looks around then saw that all eyes were still on his before he accepts the money, the guy puts a smirk on his face. After that, he left to deliver the remaining pizza he needs to deliver.

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