Part 14

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For the last time


Pain. Sadness. Agony.

He is full with that. Drowning himself in the bathtub, feeling empty and drained. Cannot cry anymore as he just run out of tears, but the pain was still there. Feeling empty, his heart is. He doesn't want to believe in love anymore, seven years they spent together was wasted, that's why.

Shutting his eyes tight, it was still there, the pain and the fights they had flashed in his mind. He wants it to go away but his mind won't listen. He thought of ending his life, that's his plan, as he thought he just lost his purpose to even live. He's tired, and just wants to rest in peace forever.

With a deep sigh, he sit up straight and look around, specifically looking for something. He stands up and grabs the sharp object. Emotionless, he aims it on his arm and take a deep sigh. He's supposed to do it, but he was disturbed by his ringing phone. He drop the object with a sigh and get his phone in his jackets pocket, which is on the floor. He answered the phone without glancing at the IDs caller.

"What?" He asked straightforward.

"Hello. Are you Eunjoo's boyfriend?" The females voice said and he's body stiffened.

"No... Just her, friend." He said in a sad tone.

"Oh. Eunjoo was found unconscious on an alleyway and she's at the hospital." She said in a fast pace that makes him widened his eyes in surprise.

"I'll be there in a minute." He said and hangs up. He rushed his way to the hospital but before he did, he changed his clothes ofcourse.

Panting hard, finally arriving at the hospital. Rushing himself in and ask the nurse on the counter.

"Excuse me." He said to get her attention, still trying to catch his breath. When he calmed down, he faced the nurse. "I'm here to see Eunjoo, where's her room?"

The nurse slightly nods and type something on the computer before facing him. "She's at room 204, on the third floor."

He muttered a thanks before he run his way to Eunjoo. Running on the hallway, the people were too busy to even glance at him. Seeing the elevator on his sight, it was closing. He even run faster but he was too late as it just closed. No choice, he used the stairs instead. Reaching the third floor, panting from all the running, now what he needs to do is to look for her room. He wanders around and after minutes of his exploration on the hospital, he found her room. Perfect timing, the doctor just happens to take his leave on her room with a nurse assisting him.

"Wait! Doctor." He stops him from leaving, dropping his hands on his knees, panting. The doctor faced him with a flinch, startling him.

"Yes, young man? May I help you?" He ask him.

"Yes, I'm... I'm..." He said between his breath, still panting.

"Oh! You're supposed to be Eunjoo's guardian?" The doctor exclaims, tilting his head.

"No, I'm just... Her friend." He murmured. The doctor nods in understanding and notice the agony on his face.

"How is she, doctor?" He ask him after the silence. The doctor sighs and hesitates to tell him, he clearly doesn't want to make him more sad.

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