Part 11

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Meet up


Gyunghui was staring at her phone, having second thoughts if she'll send it or not. But it is possible that she was the "unknown number". After all, the past between the both of them wasn't great as you expected. She was determine to know the answers and sure that it was really her. After minutes of thinking, she decided to send the text. And what she's supposed to do now is to wait for Hayoon to show up.


Hayoon's phone dings, signalling that she received a new text. She groan in annoyance, and finally leave the comfy sheets minutes later. She lazily got her phone and narrows her eyes as she read the text.

Let's meet up today. 10am sharp. At our hideout.

With a trembling hands, she put back her phone on her bag. She felt fear, worry, and insecure. She knows it's about something serious and important. Gyunghui wouldn't have called her in the first place if it wasn't that important. She sighed and prepares herself.

10am sharp, she made it to their hideout. She sighed and with trembling hands, she twisted the door open. It was odd and felt eerie. The lights were all turned off, it was pitch dark. This was bad, something is really off. With a bad feeling, she tried to look for Gyunghui in the dark, taking a step forward.

"Ahh Gyunghui? Where are you?" Her voice trembled, cannot hide the fear she's feeling. She took another step and tried to call for her once again.

"Gyunghui? Gyunghui! This isn't funny!" She shrieked, and thought of this as a prank, she was pissed. Until she felt she just got kicked on the stomach, that makes her fall on the hard floor. A heavy weight hovered on top of her, and thought that it maybe Gyunghui.

"Gyunghui? Is that you?" She tried to touch her but her arm was yanked away harshly.

"Don't touch me, snake!" Gyunghui exclaimed in an annoyed tone hovering on top of her.

"What are you talking about?!" She replied back, confused.

"Stop playing dumb!" Gyunghui stands up and turn on the lights. Hayoon follows her actions and later ask her what she's talking about.

"Well, can you explain this?" Gyunghui handed Hayoon her phone, showing her the Convo that she had with the unknown number as Gyunghui watch her closely on how she put a frown on her face, leaning on the wall. Hayoon's eyes narrowed and look at Gyunghui in bewilderment.

"It's you, isn't it?" Gyunghui ask, taking a step forward.

"No, I would never do such thing." Hayoon defended herself.

"Then who would, Hayoon? You're the only one could possibly do this." Gyunghui retorted back, looking at her furiously.

"No, I'm not kidding. It isn't me, Gyunghui." Hayoon denied the accusation. In a flash, Gyunghui push her on the wall, putting both of her hands each side successfully trapping her, which Hayoon did not expect her to do.

"Can you just leave us alone and let us be?" He threatened, with a gritted teeth but it's more like begging. "I know the both of you used to date and I know you still love him." Her grip loosen and release Hayoon's small figure.

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