Part 5

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Is this the end?


Clicking the door open then slowly close the door behind her. Walking in a cool manner then stop mid-way when she saw Junseo and Gyunghui inside their hideout. Gyunghui's arms crossed across her chest with furrowed brows and slightly creased forehead. Junseo facing his girlfriend with a michieveous grin, seems like the two have spent some quality time together it's then ruined by Eunjoo.

As Gyunghui saw Eunjoo, she stands up right away then walks out as Eunjoo looks confused as to why all the sudden. Junseo smiled at her sheepishly before walking out as well, following his girlfriend.

Eunjoo was confused. First, Hayoon and now Gyunghui. Why all the sudden ignoring her? Did she do something that makes them mad?

Eunjoo was strolling around the street as she doesn't know what to do and don't know where could her feet take her. She passed by a playground, her feet quickly made their way to the swing. Makes it swing back and forth as she stare at the air blankly. Soon later, laughing can be heard. It was from the kids, they were chasing at each other. The shorter one trying to catch the other, giggling as they run. Eunjoo just stared at them in boredom. The shorter one suddenly stop infront Eunjoo which makes Eunjoo rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Go away." She said in a monotonous voice but the kid did not make any single move.

"I said go away! Can't you see I'm in a bad mood!?" She shouted at the kid which makes the kid burst out crying. Panicking, she leans down and tried to shush her.

"Hey, stop crying!" She put her thumb on her lips signalling her to calm down but that only makes the kid cry more. She looks around to see if there was any people but thankfully there wasn't much people lurking around the street and no one saw them.

She gets her purse from her pocket then give the girl money. "Here, buy some candy for you just stop crying okay?" She puts it in her hand and slowly the girl calm down then happily went her way towards the candy store. Sighing she lazily made her way back home. Throwing her heels over as she plopped down on the bed.


Eunjoo on her phone, scrolling on her IG feed out of boredom. Suddenly, she heard footsteps coming, making her hide her phone under the pillow as she pretend that she was sleeping. The door clicked open, revealing a tired Hyunggu who just arrived from work. He put his bag on the chair then slowly make his way on the bed. Checking on Eunjoo, he suddenly give her a peck on her head making Eunjoo opened her eyes in surprise. Hyunggu lay down besides Eunjoo then soon drifted off to sleep.

Eunjoo, on the other hand closed her eyes again trying to sleep. She feels her heartbeat beating in an abnormal pace as she touch her chest. She ignores it and tried to sleep, but she can't sleep. She thought why all the sudden feeling this. Heart beating in an abnormal pace, butterflies in her stomach, as far as she remembers she last feels this a year or so when they went out on a date.

Breathing out, trying to calm herself by the sudden action of him. Seconds later she heard heavy breathing from the guy besides her. She faced his direction, staring at his beautiful features as she feels that she has calmed down a bit. His brows knitted together and his hair slightly covering his beautiful eyes. She slowly shoved his bangs on the side, sweat dripping down on his forehead. He looks tense, she thought that he might be having a nightmare. She slowly leans in and gave him a peck on his cheeks. Soon later, his brows are no longer knitted together as he looks more calmer. He slightly move making Eunjoo realized what she did then moved away from him. She suddenly heard some cute snores which is coming from him making her giggle. She once again stare at him before going to sleep as she sleeps with a smile on her face.

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