Part 1

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Just like the past


As expected, Hyunggu came home and all the lights were turn off. He turn on the light and the sigh makes him heave out a deep sigh. The apartment was messy. Clothes were all over the floor, bag of chips on the countertop and books on the table.

He put down his coat on the sofa and started cleaning the apartment. As he finished, he makes himself a cup of ramen then went to the living room to watch some TV while waiting for her.

Minutes later the door creaked open, revealing Eunjoo on the other side of the door. She removed her heels, doesn't even give a glance at the man who's staring at her.

"Where have you been?" Hyunggu asked Eunjoo.

"Friends." She answered shortly without even looking at him.

"Have you eaten?" He asked again.

"Yeah." She said getting annoyed then went straight to their room.

It's always been like this. Eunjoo would came home late at night from the bar, if not from her friends. It's always been like this. He was getting tired, he wants to break the invisible barrier that builds up between them. He wants to hug her and feel her warmth, but there was something inside stopping him to do it. He doesn't know why did this suddenly happened, he doesn't know when did this started. He just want to be just like the past where they used to be happy.

After an hour or so, Hyunggu finally call it a day and went to their room to sleep. As he enter, he saw Eunjoo sleeping peacefully. His eyes soften by the sigh of her as he came closer to her and admire her beautiful features. He carefully tuck the strands of her hair that is covering her face behind her ear. Those beautiful eyes that he used to look at and those beautiful red lips that he used to kissed. The cheeks that he used to pinch but now she looks more skinnier.

After a minute or so, he carefully lay down besides her. Slowly, Hyunggu wrapped his arms around Eunjoo's waist.

He didn't know how much he missed her warmth and embrace. How he missed her touch and kisses. It's been so long since he hugged her. You don't know how long that he has been dying to hugged her, to feel her warmth again.

Hyunggu hug Eunjoo tighter but not too tight. He doesn't want to let her go, if only this moment will last long this is the only time he can touch her. He still cares and loves her. He might act like he doesn't but deep inside he still do. You don't know how much he wants to run to her and hug her. He always thought that why did this suddenly happened? What had gone wrong? Is it because of him? Did he do something wrong that makes her upset? Did she found someone better than him? Is she tired of him?

The thoughts makes Hyunggu sobbed quietly as he doesn't want to wake her up.

He's trying his best to be the best boyfriend ever but is he still not enough? Have they fallen out of love?

He rapidly shakes his head by the thoughts that he has been keeping to himself as he snuggled closer to Eunjoo.

"No. Instead of thinking of those, why don't we just enjoy this moment?" He thought to himself as he wipped his tears and went to sleep.


Hyunggu was awaken by the alarm. He slowly flutter his eyes open and carefully get up on their bed. Eunjoo was still in a deep slumber looking like an angel. He suddenly feel the need to protect her from this cruel world. He suddenly feel responsible as he is the man and needs to protect his girl but he need to work too which means he can't be there for her 24/7. But he's working for them just to buy all their needs and pay for the bills. He's working to earn money for their future.

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