ADHARA, the second
brightest star in the
Canis Major constellation,
right after sirius. It
was as if her father had
named her after a murderer
A few neighbourhoods away from Number 4, Privet Drive, there was a tall...
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DUDLEY DURSLEY HAS NEVER BEEN TOLD NO IN HIS LIFE. He always got everything he wanted and more. Vernon and Petunia would bring the Queen herself to their small house in the suburbs if that was what he asked for. And then proceed to call her an egocentric bitch when she declines their invitation.
All that to say, what Dudley Dursley demands, he gets. So when he demanded a sleepover and a bonfire with his school friends in their backyard, Petunia and Vernon Dursley didn't even think twice before agreeing with sweet smiles.
Harry always ended up getting the shorter end of the stick whenever the Dursleys invited people over. He was told to clean out his cousin's bedroom and prepare the bonfire before stupid ole Dudders' equally stupid friends arrived. He was only glad Adhara also showed up earlier that day. Harry thought his cousin would throw a fit, wanting the weird witch girl out of the house in case she ruined his party. But Dudley did what Dudley always did whenever Adhara came over: scamper the other way and proceed to ignore her as best as he could. Apparently, one look from the girl was enough to scare him.
'Good' was Adhara's response to that.
Petunia, however, was not pleased. She thought her visits were a thing of the past. That once school started back, they'd got rid of her. She certainly was not happy that Adhara was in her house the same time as other more respectable and proper children were present.
Adhara, with her short boyish hair, tan skin, dark eye bags and the new scar on her neck. Harry, with his unruly hair, dark skin, knobbly knees and the scar on his forehead. Neither of them fit Petunia's picture of proper children.
"No. Absolutely not. Not today, you won't! Leave-!"
"I can help with the clean-up," she declared.
Aunt Petunia shut up instantly.
And that was how Adhara and he ended up with the task of cleaning after four Smeltings boys.
"Who's that?"
"Harry's cousin," lied Dudley.
"So, she's your cousin too?"
"No, she's from his dad's side."
"Well, that explains it! Better keep her away from the fire, don't want her her to blow anything up, eh D?"
Harry watched Adhara roll her eyes.
But once the bonfire was set up, all Adhara did was stare. Dudley and his friends sat in chairs near the fire. Harry and Adhara stayed further away, hose and a bucket of water in hand.
When the boys finished and raced back inside the house, Harry got up from his spot to put out the fire, expecting Adhara to follow. But when he looked back, he saw that his god-sister hadn't moved at all.