scp-166 teenage succubus

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I had just finished my recent test and I'm on my way back to my room they just got done testing with SCP 999 I must say that was probably the best test ever! I can feel all my depression and annoyance go away just from a simple touch I don't know why my ability didn't affect it but I'm happy it didn't.

Guard: all right one more test for today.

Finally then I can go relax after this final test this is probably the least amount of tests I had ever done probably because most of the day was nothing but questions and interviews again I don't know why they keep doing this there's nothing new to get out of me and stuff I don't want them knowing they're not going to know. The guard suddenly stopped and I was transferred to female guards which really confused me validate change guards in the middle of my testing transfer?

Female guard: all right this way don't try anything stupid.

Y/N: yes si- I mean yes ma'am he he.

Female guard: what the fuck where you about to say?!

Y/N :n-n-nothing!

Female guard: .... Whatever freak.

After a little bit more walking the garden structured me to standard in front of the containment door instructed me to enter,whitch I did. And inside with the most confusing and attractive thing I've ever seen there was a naked girl who looked to be in her teens but of course being how I am I tried to not you look at her... Assets which was very hard I don't know how long I've been staring but she finally noticed me our eyes met and after we stare at each other for a couple of minutes she screamed and ran to the far side of her containment chamber

???: S-stay away y-you pig! I'm warning you!

She then started to hold up her book it was a Bible? Now that I look around realized something very messed up... She has a better room than me!? But now isn't the time I'll complain later for now I got to say something cuz she clearly has the wrong idea about me.

Y/N: hey hey now I'm not going to hurt you.

I try to get closer but she throws her book at me and I don't know if it was bad luck for me or she had a good aim but that book hit me in my dick. I fell on the ground screaming in agony and pain

Y/N: oh sweet mother of God the pain it hurts so much!!!

Then look up at her tears in my eyes still holding my crotch

Y/N:w-what the h-hell was that for?!

???: That should teach you to stay away from me you heathen pigs like you need to learn your lesson! Hmp!

Y/N: I literally did nothing to you and now I probably can't have kids ever!

???: But you are about to and don't play dumb I know you were going to try and rape me do you know different than the other pigs in this place!

Y/N:w-what the hell are you talking about I literally walk in see you try to calm you down and my reward a book to the dick so if anyone that fought here it's you and why would I rape you? Do you even know how ridiculous you sound?!

???: Stop lying I already know you're trying to lower my guard so you can ravage my body to your dirty ways! You pigs just can't help yourself!

Y/N: okay if that was true then why are we still having this conversation? Wouldn't I have tried to "ravage your body"instead of talking with you because from the way you explained it everybody that sees you apparently goes insane with... Lust? Am I right?

???: W-well I guess you haven't tried anything......yet, b-but how do I know you're not lying?

Y/N: well as I said before the people that you meet normally go crazy from lust so they can't think straight yet here we are having a full conversation and I haven't even moved an inch closer to you so can you please calm down and we can talk like normal people. please?

???:I... I guess I can give you a chance but just one. Got it?

Y/N: yes just put the books down.

After that me and her talked for a while I blonde that her number was 166 and apparently she drives any man in a certain radius mad with lust towards her and they will stop at nothing too rape her. which I found pretty messed up I told her what my anomaly was and why I wasn't affected by her she was so relief to hear that but after a while I had to be taken back to my containment chamber they said they might do more testing with me and her since I'm the first male she ever interacted with without going crazy from lust hope to see her again soon it was nice to have someone to talk to like normal people cuz most of the other scps always talk about something that involves their past their abilities or how they hate the foundation or hate certain things about humanity so this was a nice different change of pace for now I'm going to get some rest tomorrow is another day and who knows what awaits me tomorrow behind any door.

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