heart attack

720 24 28

*pov Y/N*

I'm currently playing games with Jenna due to the fact that she's my new maid apparently to keep my containment Chamber clean while also making sure I don't do anything reckless

Y/N: you suck SO HARD!

Currently we're playing Street fighter and I was getting my ass handed to me

Jenna: naww you're just really bad


The TV Blair does it showed my character falling to the ground and defeat and a pure rated through the controller across the room breaking it

Jenna: that's 34 to 15 I win....... And now I'm going to clean up the mess you made

She says that she got up to clean

bright: damn dude you suck at video games that you talk all that smack when playing against bots

I crossed my arms

Y/N:.. yeah but Jenna just spams

Bright:......dude you were literally spamming grab the entire time

Y/N: no I was trying to do other moves it just so happens the grab button seams to be apart of all the combos

Bright: yeah sure keep lying to yourself

Eventually I could hear the chamber doors opening before the intercom was turned on

Intercom: SCP 6000 you are needed for testing

Y/N:*sigh* I'll see you later Jenna

Jenna: all right just don't kill anyone this time if you can

*Time skip brought to you by joystick drift*

*Y/N pov*

We have been walking for a small amount of time now I wonder what horrible girl I'm going to meet today considering nine times out of 10 it is a female

S1: right this way scp 6000 to SCP 053

Y/N: great...

As I answer the room I see a little girl

As I answer the room I see a little girl

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Y/N:.......... Seriously?

SCP 053: hello Mr

I jumped a bit not really paying attention to her mainly because I was glaring at the people behind the glass who think this is funny putting a little girl in a room with a dangerous anomaly

Y/N: hello

I then turned back towards the scientists

Y/N: listen I don't know what the Fu-Frick you guys are getting up by doing this but isn't funny it's kind of sick

SCP 053: sick are we playing hospital?

And then turn back to look at the girl again

Y/N:um....sorry not right now ok?

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