The dream man

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So after the recent events I am under constant observation even when I'm in the damn bathroom DO THESE PEOPLE EVEN KNOW WHAT PRIVACY MEANS?!?! Anyway today was the day I might have found why I'm here and why I have my powers

Dr.bright: come on is there anything we can do I'm bored!

Y/N: sorry unlike you I don't get much not to mention normally this doesn't happen and that's saying a lot considering we're in a place where normal doesn't actually fit in.

Dr.bright: well shit.

Y/N: why am I even talking to you in the first place you are the reason for your problems and I should entertain you.

Dr.bright: well you're the one who trapped me in your body!!!

Y/N: my body that you tried to take over dumbass I mean you even thinks to take over a body that nullifies anomalies when you're amulet is an anomaly that you are a part of!!!

Dr.bright: well..... I guess when you put it like that I...... Guess it was my fault there you happy!!

Y/N: no

After a little bit more arguing the eventually stop talking to each other for a bit and I decided to take a nap so you lay down on your bed and close your eyes letting sleep take you into its grasp. After a little bit you find yourself awoken but not in your cell but in a very confusing place so much you couldn't describe it you just had to be there

Y/N: where am I this is another SCP test?

???:no not a test it's just you and I and that young fell over there

You turn around to see a weird man with no face and a certain doctor with an amulet around his neck you both look at each other glaring

Y/N: YOU!!

Dr.bright: YOU!!

Y/N: I'm going to kick your ass since I won't be hurting myself so get ready dumbass!!!

Dr.bright: no you're wrong you're going to be the one with your face in the dirt for ruining my job!!!

You and Dr.bright run each other screaming like idiots as you tackle bright and hit him with a right hook straight face and then I left hook before he flips you over and starts hitting you repeatedly in the face suddenly you both are sitting on a bench either one of you had a bruise on you

???: Please settle down and act like grown adults Mr.Y/N I wish to speak with you Mr bright you can leave us

Dr.bright: no I want to know what is go-

Suddenly Dr bright disappears and you are left alone with a strange man a brief silence between you two

???: Do you know why you're here Mr.Y/N?

Y/N: no why do you have a test for me?

???: No there will be no tests I just want to talk

You stare at the old man what is he doing here where are you what does he want but you were pushed out of your thoughts when he start to speak again

???: I'm here to talk to you about your future and what you will become depending on the path you choose

Y/N: my future I'm pretty sure that's already decided at the foundation as for the whole choice thing make it sound like I'm in a story or a video game but I'm not right?


Y/N: look I don't know what you really want but I don't really have muc-

???: I can only tell you three things and then you will awake

Y/N: and those three things are?

???: The first is that you will find greater power in yourself one to arrival some of the strongest entities that you have seen and many more to come after

Y/N: I don't see how-

???: The second Is that you will unify them and show them what it is to walk in human shoes and she will learn what it is to walk in the shoes of monsters

Y/N: wait I don't-

???: The 3rd is that you will find love the love of not just one but many anomalies women powers that they can't control and some monsters who have human spirits
But can't express them due to their nature

Y/N: do you really think I'm going to do all that I don't think I could find love and I don't think I'm strong enough to take on some of the anomalies greater power I'm just me the only thing I can do is stop their anomalies and sometimes even that doesn't work as Dr bright has proven it only stops them halfway.


Y/N: so do you have anything else to say to me?

???:..... Goodbye Mr.Y/N

Suddenly you find yourself Awakening again this time in your cell

Dr.bright:soooo what happened? I was pushed out and had to stare at your eyelids entire time you slept since I see what you see.

Y/N: nothing he just wanted to talk to me

Dr.bright: that's it no there's got to be more come on tell me please?


Dr.bright: PLEASE!!!



Y/N:..... Do you really see everything I see?

Dr.bright: yes including your small penis

Y/N:fuck you my penis is average maybe even a little above!!!

Dr.bright: keep telling yourself that

Y/N: you know what I'm going back to sleep good night

Dr.bright: you're going to tell me eventually

Y/N: I said shut up!!!!

ARTHUR NOTE: (there I made two to make up for lost time hope you enjoyed sorry if this was a little shorter but I wrote this while in school so enjoy your day)

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