The cure for everything

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It's yet again another day you don't know how many days you've been here it's been hard to tell when it was day and when it was night because you don't have a clock nor do you have Windows to see the outside world you wonder what it looks like has it changed or has it always been the way it is people hurting others for nothing but suffering and torture it's no different at this place but then again the outside world does not have these anomalies but I wouldn't call them freaks some of them I would call friend as you were walking you noticed you are entering and you part of the facility much darker looks really heavily guarded today today you were meeting an SCP called 0 4 9 AKA the plague doctor you actually D class with you but that didn't matter they were going to die regardless and for what they did they deserve it but then again you don't know what you're in here for besides the fact that you're not normal but that was before they knew and before you knew but what got you in here in the first place well it does not matter now what matters is getting free.

Guard: okay all class D listen up also you to SCP 6000 you are going to enter the containment chamber and wait for further instructions given to you.

The doors open you all look inside and then you pushed in the two d-class before walking in they close the door behind you the guard chuckle that your gesture towards D class you're not going to lie you hate d-class but not as much as you hate the boss is in chargeyou don't know who they are but you're not waiting to find out now that you guys are in the room you look around you notice it looks like a hospital room a creepy one and in the corner you see a person with a bird mask and clothes that are very old he sees you too all of you.

Scp-049: I sense the pestilence in you do not fear I am The cure and you will be free from this horrid disease.

As the plague doctor touches one of the D class he limp and the other D class looks in horror as the SCP approaches him.

D class: stay away from me you freak I'm not sick don't kill me stay away!

The plague doctor then touches the other D class as he falls limp to and he looks at you but you could care less.

Y/N: come on I'm ready do what you're going to do it's not like I really care.

The plague doctor look shocked and confused as he walks over to you he looks at you closely.

Scp-049: why would I do anything to a healthy person like you I sent no pestilence but I do sense something else something far greater something stop all the pestilence forever.

before he could do anything or say anything else the doors open two guards come in holding guns at scp-049 as he puts his hands up they take you out and your taken to a room with a scientist.

Scientist: so scp 6000 we heard your conversation with scp-049 and you will be doing further testing with him he seems to be rather intrigued by you and he says you might be the cure for whatever disease he is talking about the great pestilence something we don't even know what it truly is.

As you spoke for about a minute or so before you take him back to your cell this was weird you are the cure for what exactly you we'll probably find out whether you like it or not.

SCP Foundation X Male SCP ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now