The new friend

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So you back in your cell again it was embarrassing how you got captured you are riding on 682 s back and you weren't looking where you were heading and you hit a door frame at full force and don't forget 682 is fast but not fast enough after he got far away they set off a nuke in the middle of the desert And it decreased most of his body mass and boy was he mad then again he's always mad they say you were going to do a test with a new SCP so here we go.

Guard: open containment door to SCP 6000 containment chamber.

Suddenly the doors open to your room and you have two guards pointing guns at you

Y/N: do you really got to keep doing this with the guns come on  your not that stupid.(well smarter than you at least which I guess your latent saying much)

Guard 1: you know how it goes SCP 6000 and don't forget you were in that one escape attempt and I'm not going to lie the footage caught on the cameras was pretty funny.

Y/N: oh come on are you guys ever going to let that go?

Guard 2: oh no we're never letting that go too funny and it just shows how stupid you guys can be.

After that whole conversation you are welcome to the new SCP cell in heavy containment zone to scp-035 apparently this thing was a mask I don't know it does though but we'll see you enter the containment chamber they close the doors behind you an intercom speaker tells you to put on the mask you do what you are told

Y/N: okay put it on so it's supposed to happen I mean come on you guys just running out of things to make me scared?

Just then you where pulled inside your mind

Y/N: what where am I?!

Mysterious voice: huh this is strange you haven't disappeared your consciousness is still lingering.

Y/N: what The who the hell is there show yourself before I kick your ass to the next site on the opposite side of the world!?!

Mysterious voice: my my aren't we the aggressive one I am only here to talk not fight.

Y/N: okay then first of all though where am I?

Mysterious voice: oh you don't recognize your own mind?

Y/N: hey! Are you calling me stupid!?!

Mysterious voice: oh I didn't say it you did so technically I didn't call you well you know hahaha.

Y/N: okay now you're just pissing me off come on you want to talk crap we better have something to back it up or else I'm going to-

Justin you were sent back to the real world the mask on the ground everything blurry you had weird gooey stuff on your shoulders and everyone was looking perplexed

Y/N: ew what is this gross stuff it smells disgusting!!!!

Scientist: SCP 6000 please exit the containment chamber and walk slowly so you don't get that goo everywhere.

After you got cleaned up and were checked for any side effects other than your own abnormalities you're sent back to yourself and for the rest of the day you play on your PS4 VR and Xbox one and you were kicking ass online.

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