slimy surprise (Lemon)

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first time ever doing a lemon!

Y/N pov

So currently I'm sitting in a room with apparently SCP 999 the tickle monster as they called her even though it used to be a they have no idea how a gender changing Stone turned a they into a she but I'm just going to say bad luck

Y/N:so..... What am I here for?

S1: we're here to see your interaction with scp-999 due to the recent........ Change they-I mean she has experienced

Y/N: wait why me when you can have a D-class do this?

S2: well apparently you're the first one she came into contact with after the transformation there was no reports of a female 999 until recontainment of other anomalies video footage showed you and her interacting before anyone else

Y/N: oh so it's mostly because I bonded to her while her new........transformation occurred

S1: yes that is correct

After that the bastards left probably check on us later it really pissed me off

Y/N: no matter what happens we are nothing but animals in a zoo

I look over at 999 and she looks back with her usual smile

Y/N:mmm I can't just call you SCP 999 that's not fair so how

I knew it wasn't one of my most creative names but what exactly do you name a female slime girl who brings happiness to anyone she touches

Y/N:so what do you

After a few seconds of silence she seemed to jump in happiness at the name before coming right up to me putting her hands on my legs

Y/N:what are you-ahh

Suddenly she started to undo my pants well tried


Said trying to get her off me bumping the bookshelf behind me causing a few books to fall

Y/N:don't you think we should slow down and get to know each other more?

Suddenly like that one of the books and right then and there I knew what they were trying to do

Y/N:oh 343

They had sex videos  and women's magazines they were trying to get her to...with ME!?!

Y/N:hey joy I don't know if you're going fully understand me but we have to-ahhh~

I look down she's finally got my pants off and I was too distracted to notice and now she playing with my dick apparently this woke somebody else up


Y/N: now is not the time!

I said as Joy finally figured out how to use her mouth creating multiple tongues to lick from different directions


Dr bright: oh YEAH!~

Apparently my sounds of pleasure more mistaken for laughter somehow because it's caused her too deep throat my entire dick and due to the fact that she was made out of slime meant she could do things a normal person could not

Y/N:ahhh~ J-joy you need to stop I am about to-

But before I can say anything else a few of her extra slimy appendages started playing with my balls while others massaged tense parts of my body from the stress I've had over these days

Dr bright: dude I think we're about to


I'm with that I released my load down her throat which caught her by surprise she seemed to not understand what this substance was despite the videos and magazines

Y/N: hey Joy you okay?

And in that moment I regret asking because I could have sworn I saw hearts in her eyes
With a crazy smile


I froze again did she just speak

Y/N: Joy w-what did you say?


And with that she pounds on me this was going to be a very tiring day

*Time skip*

Y/N pov

I was lying on the floor tired and exhausted slime all over my body she drained me dry I never thought something so cute and innocent could be so vicious

Y/N:joy please no more I can't-huh?

I look over not being assaulted with pleasure it just stopped I looked down to see Joy hugging me asleep

Dr bright: oh 343 is it finally over! Yes!

Y/N: I know right she's insane

Dr bright: we've got to do it again


Dr bright: oh come on why not!!

Before I could answer him the scientist came back in after what felt like hours

S1: so how did it go

I clearly could tell he was trying to hide a laugh

Y/N: if Joy was in a sleep I'd be yelling at your asses right now

S2: well that's all we will be needing you for

He suddenly turned to what seemed to be an assistant

S2: also monitor SCP 999 for pregnancy if something develops in the body we should be able to clearly see it I do not know if her Mass will thicken to hide the potential child

Y/N: wait so you're telling me you used me as a breeding tool?

S1: I guess you could say that why is something wrong~

He was clearly mocking me but I maintain my composure due to the sleeping girl

Y/N: you won't get away with this

S2: oh you mean like we already did

S1: now now it's only a success if a pregnancy happens if not we'll test with other scps whether he likes it or not

It pissed me off and it hurt the fact that he was right I didn't have a choice but it pissed me off

S2: guard escort scp-6000 back to his Chambers while we decide whether to move forward with other scps

Even though I was enraged I gently moved joy off my lap making sure not to wake her and follow the guards outside still covered in some of her yellow slime

Y/N:"I'm going to make them pay just you wait"

And with that I entered my chamber to clean up

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