scp 953

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Y/N pov

Darkness it is all I see I have come to this place before....

???: Y/N?

I turn to see a familiar little girl her clothes are torn,blood dripping from her left eye and mouth

???:Y/N.......why did you leave us?

She said getting closer tears in her eyes mixing with the blood on the left eye

Y/N:I-I didn't........

I couldn't hold back my tears as I ran up and hugged the girl

Y/N: I d-didn't mean to leave

I was suddenly pulled away by people in police outfits but there faces where covered in shadows


I struggle trying to break free from there iron grip to no avail

???:WhY aRe YoU LiEiNg!

I look up to see the same little girl but her eyes are gone blood spilling out her body now looked mangle her head upsidedown her right arm had bones sticking out the left arm missing before I could answer a metal hook pierced through my chest pulling me up where I was in front of another face covered in shadows but their voice sounded familiar

???:Y/N? Is that you

The figure dangling by by a rope around there neck arms stretched forward as if to give me a hug

???:you finally came back

I screamed as I fell out of my bed before getting up off the ground sweat drenched my face

Y/N Damn it! I haven't had that dream in years and now it comes back!?

Dr.bright:*Yawn* the fuck dude I may not have a body but I still need sleep....

Y/N*sigh* sorry

Dr.bright: dude...are you ok? You never apologize to me soo.....

I sit back down on the bed Head hanging

Y/N:I......I don't want to talk about it....ok

Dr.bright:...... Listen we may not like each other in fact we may hate each other but
... I still will help you if you want.

Y/N: thanks bright sure you don't want to talk about it?

Y/N: I guess.....ok

I took a deep breath

Y/N: I have this dream about-

Suddenly the doors of my containment chamber open

G1: all right freak since you want to wake up so early I guess you can start on tests

G2: yeah sorry dude

Y/N: all right let's go

*Time skip*
Y/N pov

I was taken to these two medium sized doors and was instructed to enter

Y/N: oh boy I wonder where it's going to be this time

As I enter the room I see it's just a big open containment chamber surrounded by little trap doors lined up along the wall

Y/N:what the hell?

???:hello there~

I quickly look to around the corners of the containment chamber to see a girl with nine tails and little foxy ears grinning at me and due to the fact I've grown so used to this I respond the only way I know how

Y/N: yo

I said as I wave confusing her as to why I'm not terrified

???: Soo your my next meal~

That set of shiver down my spine

???:now don't you wish to come closer~

I felt that I was trying to persuade my mind to listen but do to my anomalous abilities it didn't work

Y/N: yeah,no something's telling me if I come close to you I'm going to die

She seemed surprised but it quickly turned into a sadistic grin

???: Oh so you are immune to my abilities

Y/N:yeah kind of my whole thing

Suddenly familiar voice enters my head

Dr.bright: OH MY GOD IT'S HER!!

Y/N: what is there something I should know!? Is she really dangerous?

Dr.bright: I didn't know!.....

Y/N:...... Then why did you shout oh my God it's her

Dr.bright: I don't know just felt like it I mean all's I know is she can low people into a sense of comfort before.....

Y/N: before what?

Before he could answer I about tremendous pain I look up to see the fox girl right in front of me I look back down this time paying attention and I see her hand pierced through my stomach

Y/N:huh......*cough cough*

She pulls her hand out as I fall back against the wall I slide down it as I feel a metallic taste in my mouth and blood dripping from my wound soaking my clothes

???: It's rude to ignore a lady

And look up to see a sadistic smile on her face as she walks towards me plunging your hand back inside me grabbing my liver before ripping it out swallowing a hole in front of me

???: Normally I would play with my prey but today I'm not in the mood

I feel my vision blurring,my ears ringing and my body felt cold and numb I can hear the distance sound

Dr.bright:Y/N! Come on stay with me buddy

But I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore as they close and I found the darkness enveloping me ........

I suddenly felt wide awake as I opened my eyes to see myself standing no injuries no nothing as if it never happened but I look to my right and see the fox girl surprised I looded down at her feet I see my corpse but The amulet is not there I grab my neck to find it still on my neck

???:my~ my~ you're more than just a wonderful is my control you're also-

Before she could finish I ran at an anomalous speed up to her and kicked her in the stomach with tremendous Force while shouting


I then look over to see her launched in the wall before pushing herself out

???:*grunt* you ha! Ha I never guessed you would have strength like that!

She then looked up at me before changing her form into a giant Fox with nine tails sharp claws and very sharp teeth

???: Well two can play at that game little guy~

Y/N: well......shit


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