The great escape attempt part2

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(Hey it's the author here and I was wondering this is my first book is it connecting or am I accidentally making more parts as in like normal or be a part 2 to the sequel because it's supposed to be just one book so if it isn't and that's why they're short I don't know then but back to the story if it is working)

Y/N pov

you've been standing here for good solid hour now you really have to blink but you can't if you didn't remember there's a statue that is in the room that moves when you blink and snaps you are neck. But as you sit here you wonder why does it attack is it because it doesn't like being looked at or it's too shy no maybe cuz it wants to be free yes maybe because when we look at it it can't move and it just wants to as long as we're around it can't it's always going to have that shackle around it where can't move in sight but it knows if it kills us we can't see it cuz we're dead so it kills us so that way it can be free you have an idea you just hope it works or this could be the end of you not that you remember anything since you came this place forgot everything weird but anyways it's time for your plan as you approach it you keep your eyes on it your eyes are burning it's like someone dumped bubbles and acid in them it's really getting to you you're going to have to blink .

Y/N: I can't take this anymore make it quick.

As you close your eyes awaiting death all you hear is movement when you open your eyes again statute is on the opposite end of the containment chamber it's like he doesn't even know you're there you approach it and you wave your hand in front of its face

Y/N: hello statue aren't you going to snap my neck I mean you did to the other guys okay I'm going to blink again.

As you close your eyes yet again you wait for pain and agony butt again it doesn't come you said you're scraping watch open your eyes again the statue isn't there it's behind you in the original spot it was when you came into the containment chamber this is getting weird so you can continue to try anything else the containment chamber doors open is there the intercom attention All D class personnel please exit the containment chamber so you stepped out the containment chamber they're surprised the only one came out.

Scientist: w..what how are you still alive you could not have kept your eyes on that thing for that long it's impossible!?!

(Hey guys and girls it's me the author I want you guys to tell me who should I test him / her next?)

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