book of common diseases

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It was morning again you wandered what SCP you were going to have face today two guards came in guns pointed at you.

1-Guard: follow us even though you don't have a Choice but then again we know how stupid you guys are I was trying to run away always failing its funny just how witless you are dumb D class.

2-Guard: bro what's your problem I mean I know it's D class but really what got you in a bad mood?

1-Guard: nothing come on let's just take the d class before we get in trouble for taking too long.

You walked out of your cell and you walked into this weight room the table and two chairs and glass in the back probably see through glass just then a scientist came in she sat down her paperwork and look at you.

Scientist: all right please sit down d 4935 and will begin.

Y/N: begin what if I may ask?

Scientist: that you don't need to know all you need to know is the following instructions I give you.

The doctor brings out the book of common diseases an SCP (I forgot the SCP number I am and uncultured swine!!) And she gave it to you.

Scientist: please open and read anything in the book and wait for further instructions.

Scientist then got up as she left the room this is confusing you thought yourself but you turned your attention to the book and open the first page you look through a few pages until you find something that caught your attention you sat there and read after about 30 minutes it took you back to your cell this is a weird day

(Time skip brought to you buy your uncultured Arthur)

It's been a week now you haven't been tested on not that you're complaining but today something different happened two guards came in and one scientist with a bag of sorts.

Scientist: okay D 4935 if you can play on the bed I would like to do some procedures on you.

Y/N: what procedures exactly cuz you're not sticking anything up my ass or else I will stick my foot up yours break it off then you walk around the rest of your life like a penguin worth it to me so I have one less leg but you don't have an ass to sit on.

Scientist: please I'm trying to make this easy please just do it I'm not sticking anything up your ass now cam the fuck down.

You gave him a look but laid down on the bed he start doing tests on you asking you questions you answered after about what you could think was an hour it's finally over.

Scientist: okay that's all now that we got at the evidence we need you are no longer D class.

Y/N: really my free because you can actually let me go!?!?

You are so happy you couldn't believe it they were going to let you go this was the best probably daytime ever little did you know you weren't even close out of The frying pan into the fire you went.

(Hello everyone I'm getting more confident my self and yes I know it's only been one day since I published it but seeing each one of you views makes me happy at least I noticed thank you cuz you guys awesome everyone on Wattpad is awesome genius minds writing and reading great stories).

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