filler episode

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Y/N pov

After how many attempts I finally got into the foundation's main control room with the help of some of my friends

Y/N: thank you 682 and Lucy

Explosions and screams of pain and terror could be heard in the background

Y/N:ok now all I need to do is find the controls of this place

I sent a look over and see it a headset?

Y/N: why the hell would this place be controlled with a headset

Dr.bright:*cough*did you forget that I used to be in control of this place I thought it was a little boring just typing buttons so I made the whole network into a VR headset

Y/N: of course you did well it doesn't matter let me just pop this baby on and we can get started

But before I could even get close to the headset I was grabbed on the shoulder punch in the face

G1: I've been waiting so long to kick your ass in fact they might have to label your classification as neutralized when I'm through with you

Y/N: aw shit it's this dipshit I couldn't have been G2?

We then charge at each other and as expected he dropped me faster than I could react

G1: I guess somebody forgot why I'm an SCP foundation guard it certainly wasn't because of my smarts it's because of my military training dumbass

Y/N:*in pain from being slammed on the marble floor*yeah kind of forgot about that

G1 then proceeded to pull out a knife apparent to stab me

G1: good riddance you piece of sh-AGH!

He suddenly stops as you see it a hand through his left shoulder

???: Now now pray like you shouldn't be hurting my man like that~

I then look behind him to see

I then look behind him to see

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could see her sinister sadistic smile but it had a hint of anger in it

Lucy:OnLy I aM aLoUd To HuRt HiM!

G1:*coughing up blood*N-NO! P-please NoOoO!

Before he even realized it he was pulled into the ground of a black oozing puddle of corrosive material before Lucy popped her head back up out of the goo

Lucy: after this and you're done doing what you're doing me and you are going to have a little fun time~

She said it in such a sadistic and flirty tone and knowing her I didn't have a choice so the best thing I could do is play along

Y/N:yes my mistress~

Lucy giggles at this before returning back into the dimension to torment that that poor excuse for a guard

Y/N: now where was I oh yeah that's right

And then walk over to the headset and put it on and begin hacking the foundations systems

Y/N ok bright you up I am going to give you control so do your things and you know the system very well

Dr.bright: no problemo watch this

Dr.bright: and I'm done all right now I'm giving control back to you


I suddenly feel gravity as I felt my legs again taking off the headset realizing I was surrounded

G3: put your fuckin hands up SCP 6000!

G2:hey Y/n-i mean SCP 6000 don't move or we will have to use Force!*quietly whispering*sorry dude

Y/N: oh 343 damn it! I was so close!

And due to that events I was required for testing for a lot longer than you and just as promised Lucy requested me for one of her tests and let's just say she was what I needed after that stressful fail of an escape attempt despite the sadistic whipping and pegging the normal part of the sex was amazing I guess being able to control your entire dimension helps especially when creating elaborate setups and skits also apparently G1 is now her personal dog which surprised me because normally she kills everyone after she has her way with them well except for me of course but I'm guessing this is an eternal punishment or at least a long term until she gets a bored of him oh it doesn't matter anyways I'm off to bed

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