A bad composition

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You woke to the sound of banging on the iron door the guard telling you to get up as the door opens guard aims gun at your head telling you to get out you got testing so this could be your everyday life now?

Guard: rise and shine dip shit.

Y/N: ugh okay keep your helmet on.

The guard comes up and punches you in the face then hit you with the back of his gun your head hurt and pain everything blurry.

Guard: next time maybe you'll get up without no comment or maybe next time I'll just shoot you who knows I mean some of these idiots can learn so hopefully you can.

As you're walking down the hall you pass another D class she looks terrified who could blame her I mean you just saw a moving statue yesterday that killed two people this place is weird and definitely ain't no petting zoo.

After walking for a good minute you reach this door it opens revealing a staircase going down and when on flat ground again you see a camera screen with the thing you're probably testing it looks like a music sheet well I mean you just saw moving statue yesterday so you're not going to judge this one too quickly you must terrified of what I can do and how it will affect you.

Scientist: all right class D enter the containment chamber and try to read scp-012.

They definitely new they were up to something but the question is what you walk into the containment chamber unwillingly no surprise there and you approach the music sheet you start feeling weird tingling going down your back it feels so weird you have the urge to dig into your wrist and finish it but you're hesitant you slowly walk back your head hurting it's yelling at you saying finish it over and over again it's getting louder the rooms shaking it's just like a living hell

Y/N:Ahah get out of my head... get out...of my....head!!!

You start to drop to the ground shaking your head about you in so much pain is unbearable fortunately some guard kenan grabs you after they close the box  of course I dragged you out they were astonished you were able to resist sheet your guess was everyone who came in here never left what the he'll even was that you thought your head still hurting but less you're free from that damn sheet you hope you never get tested with this thing ever again. You walk back to your cell you hear scientists talking about how is going to be a new SCP is that what these things I called SCP's such a weird name something so deadly but you try not to think about it too much after all have a major headache this is going to be a long horrible stay at this facility as they call it let's see how long I can survive it's probably how most D class feel who knows I sure don't care also I care about it's getting free and nothing is going to get in my way.

(Hey it's the author are these too short I can't tell like I said it's my first book sorry for repeating this a lot I just want to write a good story for you guys to keep you satisfied that's why I really want to know what you guys think I don't I care about anything else I just want to keep you guys entertained to this whole coronavirus pandemic tell if you got any ideas let me know I said I'm open minded and I mean it).

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