DR.bright and Y/N

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It has been 3 days now since my last testing and I have to admit I was getting pretty bored they didn't test me on any cool scps or even lame ones I just sat in my cell contemplating if I will die a virgin I mean when you have powers and the world is not supposed to know you exist you don't really have a lot of choices we'll in this place it's -1 out of 0 so my social life is fucked but I still am hoping, I suddenly hear my cell door open and in steps a hot female scientist with a weird amulet on her neck must be a gift from someone.

It has been 3 days now since my last testing and I have to admit I was getting pretty bored they didn't test me on any cool scps or even lame ones I just sat in my cell contemplating if I will die a virgin I mean when you have powers and the world...

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Hot scientist: ok scp-6000 time for some "fun" follow me

Y/N: ok?

Doing as I am told I get up and follow her out of my cell but there wasn't any guards witch I found strange.

Y/N: hey excuse me miss?

Hot scientist: oh bright my name is bright nice to meet you!'she said rather happily for some strange reason'

Y/N: oh my name is Y/N but I guess it's now scp-6000 witch dose not sound as sexy unlike Y/N witch sounds super sexy but I don't really have a choice do I?

Miss bright: Nope!

Y/N: right...

After that the rest of the Walk was very quiet I did not know what else to say then again its not like it matters she is a scientist and a SCP foundation employee so I have like a 0% chance with her.we finally arrive at the place you would think it's a test chamber for another SCP cross test but I did noth expect this we were.....getting coffee?

Miss bright: sorry I wanted to get a coffee first I have not had mine today

Y/N: wow you aren't very professional are you?

Miss bright: hahaha I get that a lot.. would you like a drink I have spare change?

Y/N: what are you serious I can get some?!?

Miss bright: du I just said you could if you don't want anything you don't have to protect my feelings because if you don't want any I keep the money for another Coffey!

Y/N: NO! I mean no I would like a drink.

Miss bright: ok here you go*she said handing you the change* but no drinks that might help you escape if you try I will get in trouble and loose my switch and if I loose my switch you loos dick privileges got that!

Y/N:o-ok I u-understand *in thoughts* damn she is crazy!!

So after that I got in a fight with that fucking stupid coffee machine because my abilities apparently made it stop working so I did not get my drink and miss bright got two drinks for herself SHE DID NOT EVEN GIVE ME A SIP NOT ONE SIP!we finally arrive at are real destination a room Thoth two chars a table and a "mirror" but we all know that there are people behind that "mirror" but here we go anyway

Miss bright: so now that we're here do you know why I brought you?

Y/N: yup of course I know *I I say sarcastically*

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