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You're sitting in your cell well it's not really a cell anymore got a flat screen TV internet and you got your own phone you're playing on it while waiting for testing out of nowhere alarms start going off and the intercom starts shouting.

Intercom: *BEEP*BEEP*we have multiple keter and Euclid class breeches all personnel are to evacuate repeat multiple keter and Euclid class SCP have escaped containment.

Y/N: but what about me, if this place shuts down or crap goes down I won't have any more Wi-Fi or cable AHAHAH!!!!!

Just then all doors opened this must be SCP-079's work just so you see a bunch of d-class fleeing as you here a giant roar and when you look down the hall you see SCP 682 running towards you he stops when he sees you

SCP 682: well well well if it isn't Y/N I didn't know you were going to be a part of the breach are you going to stop me or are you coming along?

Y/N: whatever I have nothing to do anyways cuz the cable and Wi-Fi are off which is their biggest mistake because I can't read fan.. I mean anime yeah anime nothing else!

SCP 682: uh.. sure

We sit there and sounds for a little bit

Y/N: haha what are we doing sitting around here let's go!

You then tried to climb on scp-682 is back but you were thrown off.

SCP 682: what the hell you think you're doing!!!

Y/N:uhuh hitching a ride.

You said nervously

SCP 682:*growl*fine only this once tell anyone about this and you will wish you were dead understood?!?

Y/N: *gulp*crystal clear

You then hopped on 682's back and holding on as he ran down the hall slaughtering everyone in his way with no mercy.

SCP Foundation X Male SCP ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now