CH5. Lost And Saved

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As promised, Happy Birthday to my all time favorite, my ride or die, ammielo

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As promised, Happy Birthday to my all time favorite, my ride or die, ammielo . I don't say this often but I love you and the endless support I've gotten from you. You taught me that no one's really perfect and that's okay. I'd be lying if I say all the books I've been writing recently weren't inspired by you because they are. In every book, every page, every line there's a sprinkle of you in it. I wouldn't chose any other person to be my friend other than you, and I mean that. So, this is a dedication I should've made sooner, every book I've been writing so far are dedicated to you for inspiring me each and every day. I promise to keep making you proud. Stay beautiful. Jannah loves you immensely.  

Now without further ado, I present to you, your chapter!

Miya, Ganjuwa LGA,

Bauchi State,


6th July 2007.

Rahma and Rabia had no idea where they were heading to. Rabia just followed Rahma's lead because the girl looked like she knew more than she does unknown to her, Rahma's just following her instincts. She was just as clueless as her friend is.

The two didn't really think through before they decided to act.

It had been a couple of hours since they left their homes, but they didn't know whether they left Miya yet or not. It also didn't help that it was around 3am at the time and both girls were scared to the core. Rahma being the strong minded one didn't let it show on her face.

"Rahma, I'm tired. Wallahi nagaji nikam" Rabia complained whilst heaving. She had never walked for that long in her life and besides, the fear of the dark was choking her up. She could only see due to how bright the full moon is. The eerie silence that filled up the place sent chills down her spines. She fell on the ground and panted trying to catch her breath with her eyes widened.

"Rabia let's just keep on going, kiyi haquri. The sun will soon rise and I'm just if we just walk for a couple of minutes more we'll get a vehicle to take us into town" Rahma said as she turned to look at her friend. IF it was up to her, she'd suggest that they should run but then again, she had no idea where she's leading them too.

Rabia sighed and wiped the beads of sweat that formed on her forehead. She tried to stand up from the position she's in only for her to fall again, this time due to exhaustion.

Rahma held her clothes in one hand with the other, she helped Rabia up. The two continued walking for what felt like hours. With each and every minute that passes by, fear kept on choking the two girls. The only difference is that while Rabia let it show in how ragged her breathing came out, Rahma stood her ground and be the strong one as always.

The sound of crickets was the only thing heard in the quiet night. The full moon became their only source of light but even then, exhaustion was slowly eating them up. There was also lack of sleep, and hunger all coupled up together.

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