PART 6-CH30. The Plan

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"So, let me get this straight" Rahma started, slipping her fingers into the envelop, "You work with Zarah?"

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"So, let me get this straight" Rahma started, slipping her fingers into the envelop, "You work with Zarah?"

He nodded.

"So you're a lawyer too?" She brought out the contents of the envelop-a stack of papers that she didn't bother to check as she had her gaze fixated on him.

"I was a lawyer. I retired years back"

Her head slowly bobbed up and then down, "Oh" She muttered.

Noting the confusion in her eyes, he decided to explain further, "I worked with her parents. They were both good friends of mine. I retired a year after their death and since then, I've been looking after Zarah"

"You've also been helping her with her cases?"

His smile widened at her words. "I promise her father that I'll look after her, I'm just fulfilling the promise I made"

She still had so many questions about his relationship with Zarah. And although a part of her knows that it'll be rude to keep questioning him, the cautious part of her believed otherwise. "Why didn't she tell me about this?" She gestured to the papers in her hand, "About you?" She raised a brow.

"You stayed in prison so I'm sure you've played the game of cards before..." Her head tilted to the side slightly due to his reference. She didn't get what that has to do with their conversation. And he saw the confusion, so he continued. " don't lay all your cards right from the beginning. You keep some hidden if you want to win so that you can take your opponents by surprise. It's the same as in this situation. I'm your hidden card"

She nodded, content with the answer he gave her. Her eyes rested on the papers in her hand, skimming through it. "What is this, I don't understand"

"Let me explain from the beginning, or at least, from when I met Zarah yesterday evening"

"Thank you Uncle Sagir" Zarah flashed him a smile in appreciation, sitting on one of the couches.

He smiled back, though noting the lines on her forehead and how her shoulders slump. "Are you okay? You look worn out"

She sighed, massaging her temples with her fingers. "I guess it's that obvious" She muttered before clasping her hands together. She looked at him, leaning her hands on her thigh, "I just met Maria"

"What happened? Why did you meet her?"

"She had that guy beaten up. The one I paid to give her false information on Rahma. Uncle Sagir, he was so threatened that he refused to even look at me when I visited him earlier in the hospital!" Her voice rose slightly as she threw her hands up to prove her point. Her face reddened due to the anger she felt.

He watched her calmly. "So you think facing her will solve anything?"

"No" She shook her head, flexing her fingers repeatedly. "But I wanted to get a confession out of her. I can use that to sue her for harassment"

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