CH17. Anonymous

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1st MARCH, 2017

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1st MARCH, 2017.


She landed on the floor with a thud. The blurriness in her eyes cleared a bit and that's when the pain reigned on her. She didn't bother to hold in the groan that escaped past her lips. She was simply in too much pain to care about letting them see what they're putting her through.

"Don't tell me you're giving up already" Mocked the woman that punched her in the guts. The woman crouched in front of the eighteen-year-old, towering over her slim petite figure with her big one. She stretched her hand out, roughly taking a hold of Rabia's jaw making her look at her. "Get up and fight me" She said through gritted teeth.

Rabia closed her eyes, the pain from her abdomen where she had just been hit and the blinding lights only added to her pain. It has only been fifteen minutes since she was let out of the black room where she spent five days with no ounce of light or life.

The black room is basically a small room where some of the inmates are kept in for punishment, especially when they do something to harm a fellow inmate. They are kept in the room alone for three or more days with only bits of food and water to keep them alive but no source of light into the room.

The small room is exactly one that'll give you nightmares.

Rabia however was there because she was framed for harming one of the white skinned people there. The jail officers didn't care to see whether she's guilty or not, they just threw her right in there.

Each day she sat on the cold floor of the dark room, knees brought up to her chest as she counts as far as she can. That was the only thing that kept her sane. If not for that, she would've slowly lost her sanity. After spending five days with no source of light, the exposure to it is simply blinding to her.

And if that isn't enough, once she's in the confines of the cell she shares with some of the inmates, one is already beating her up for simply talking back.

"It doesn't seem like she has the energy to fight back" One of her cellmates said, leaning back on her bunk bed. She made no move to stop the fight. She couldn't care less if they live in peace or kill each other as long as she wouldn't get dragged in.

"Well, she should've known that before talking back" Said the woman that loomed over Rabia's small figure. The woman had to be around her mid-twenties or early thirties. "Fight back!" She half yelled, placing her hands on Rabia's neck and tightening her hold on it.

The three other cellmates watched the scene, not making a move to stop it.

Rabia squirmed with the little energy she has, trying to push away the hands of the woman constricting her airflow. She ran her untrimmed fingers on the woman's arm, dragging out blood in them but it didn't help. If anything, it only made the woman tighten her hold.

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