CH29. One Step Ahead

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Because @aysherh_idrissa and @mss_amee comment made my night😌

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Because @aysherh_idrissa and @mss_amee comment made my night😌

Get your popcorn and pepsi! I know what I'm saying😎


Noah stared at her as if she had grown two heads. "I can't decide whether you're being careless or stupid"

Her grin turned into a frown immediately at his words. She narrowed her eyes at him, lips curling into a slight snarl, "Be careful with how you speak to me Noah!"

He ignored her warnings. If there's one thing he's sure of having spent his entire life with her is that she won't ever hurt him. She might threaten him but that's all it'll ever be. "And the attorney?" He spoke after a couple of seconds of silence. "Did you have anything to do with her accident?"

Maria simply smirked. And though her lips made no move to answer his question, the look on her face did loud enough.

He ran his hand through his hair furiously as he paced back and forth. When he finally stopped, he looked at her with his eyes narrowed in slits, "How could you do that?!" His voice rose slightly. He knew to keep his tone down if he didn't want people to overhear them. And with his step dad just across the hall, the man can walk in at any minute once the shouts become too much.

He doesn't interfere when the two are having an argument. But, he does when it becomes too much.

His outburst didn't disturb her one bit. All she did was calmly watch him as she crossed her legs. Her thumb running across her nails lightly, "That Zarah thinks she's smart" She started, her tilting to the side slightly, "She had the audacity to storm into this house yesterday"

"Madam, we can't let you in without being notified of your appearance"

Zarah scoffed as she shook her head, "Then tell Maria that I'm here to see her. Let her know that I, Attorney Zarah Gwalabe, I'm demanding to see her and that I won't leave this place until I do so!" She said through gritted teeth as she glared at the guards, daring them to say otherwise.

She meant every word she said. If she has to spend the night there, then so be it. She won't leave without seeing Maria no matter what I'll take.

Another guards approached her, "Madam if you don't comot from here, I go use force on you o!" He threatened, reaching his hand out to hold her arm but she swatted it away.

"If you dare touch me...." She pointed her finger at him, moving her glare from the other guard to him, "...I'll sue you for harassment. Don't forget that I am a lawyer!"

The guard took a step back, but his hard glare remained unwavering. "See Madam, I don't care if you be lawyer o! Be court if you want. We go sue you for trespassing too"

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