CH21. To A Secret Unveiled and A Promise Made

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Rahma turned around and quickly left, careful not to let her heels make sound that'll gain her attention from the three

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Rahma turned around and quickly left, careful not to let her heels make sound that'll gain her attention from the three. She could wrap her head around what she just heard. She really did think the message was from Maria. But then again, as it was established, the message seemed more like a harmless warning than a threatening message. But for Tahir to get it too? It's simply strange. What relationship does the two have?

Then again, maybe it's a different message they're talking about.

But then again, he said it's an anonymous message from two days ago. The same day she got her anonymous message. Could it be a coincidence? And what was that that they were talking about seeing someone?

It all doesn't make sense.

She knew there was only one way she could get her answer though, and that is to talk to Zarah about it. However, she knew right now wasn't the right time. So, she'd save it for alter, when they leave the event.


"Yeah?" This time she wasn't as startled as she was when Zarah talked to her earlier. However, that didn't stop how startled she felt at the moment.

"Something is going on"

This made Rahma's brow drew in close as she threw away the thoughts of the conversation she just heard away. "What? Where?"

"Maria and the woman you were talking to earlier..." Zarah's voice lowered for a second, "The two are alone. Seems like they are arguing or something"

"Where are they?" Rahma looked around, trying to see if she could spot the two. She smiles at everyone her eyes meet, trying to not seem weird by muttering to herself every now and then.

"Keep moving and then take the hallway on your right, second room. From where I am, the door room is slightly ajar. You can hear what they're talking about if you're discrete"

"Alright. I'll check it out now" She followed the direction Zarah gave her. At the moment she was thankful that her heels do not give as much sound as one would expect. Granted, they clank, but not loud enough to draw attention.

She avoided being seen by much people, and when she passes by some, she smiles trying to act as natural as she can. By the time she reached the end of the hallway, she understood why Maria and the woman chose the spot, there were barely any people there. Only a couple littered here and there, but even they were making their way over to where the other people are so they are alone.

She looked back, wanting to make sure that no one's following her before she turned right, walking slower than earlier to the second room. As Zarah said, the room door is slightly ajar and the closer she gets, the clearer the voices in the room become.

She stopped once she could hear the conversation clearly, a couple of feet away from the door.

"What happened to you Maria? You suddenly trust that girl out of nowhere! You don't even know her. No one has ever heard of her before until she showed up out of the blue" The woman said frustratingly, her voice raising slightly. "You've always been cautious of the people you interact with, so why are you being carless around her?!" The woman whisper yelled.

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