CH49. Promises

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20th August, 2018.

Bunza, Kebbi.


"An daura!"

The old women yodeled as loud as they can. Some of the teenagers and the abled old women all gathered in the veranda as the traditional masu kidan kwarya did their job. At a point, the teenagers left the floor for the old women who danced to their heart content. They opted for videotaping the moments on their phones so they could upload it on social media and remember the joy they felt at the moment.

"Ke! There's not enough meat here" Some complained by the side as their food was served to them. The woman serving them the food glanced at the plate that contain at least three meats in each before looking back at the woman.

"Kuyi haquri. I'll bring more later" She offered them a smile, then walked away mumbling incoherent stuff under her breath.

"Kunga atampha da Talatu tasa? It's fake o! It's that fake one they sell for five thousand Naira. Just look at her, forming to be a rich woman" A woman hissed from another group as they talked about every woman that passes by. They focus more on the ones that they know. They talked about them the most.

"I heard she and her husband got divorced last month" The woman beside her muttered to her friend who turned around to glance at her with wide eyes.

"Isn't he her third husband this year?"

The other woman shrugged turning around to find another woman to gossip about. Plates of food were handed over to them along with refreshments. They collected it. Once the woman that gave them the food left, they started gossiping about the shoe she wore. Apparently, it's an old version of slippers.

On another side the older women sat. From the way they were dressed, one could easily tell that they are the high society women. They had warm smiles plastered on their faces.

"Allah basu zaman haquri" One of them said making the others reply with 'Ameen'. Unlike the other groups of women, they were actually there to celebrate along with both families. They weren't there to gossip or eat food and leave.

Inside the house, the second wife of Hamisu walked towards a woman who stood talking to some of the people helping around. She tapped her shoulder, making the woman to turn. "I gave them a place to sit just as you asked. Do you want anything else?"

Lami smiled and shook her head, "Nagode. There's nothing" Her smile turned into a grin.

The second wife nodded, her expression mirroring that of Lami. "I'll go around and help the others then"

Lami nodded and watched as her current, only, co-wife walks away to help people just as she said. Lami released a sigh of relief and muttered an 'Alhamdullilah' under her breath. She couldn't be more thankful to Allah for having a co-wife like that.

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