CH14. Rahma Turaki

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27th FEBRUARY, 2017

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27th FEBRUARY, 2017.


Rahma walked into the restaurant Zarah told her about. She didn't keep up with the name, that was the least of her concerns. All she cared about was getting the job done. She only had a month yet a week has gone already on travelling back to Nigeria, figuring out where Maria and Noah are, and planning on how to get close to them-or Maria in particular. Rahma wasn't keen on the idea of meeting Noah, she feared he'd recognize her though Zarah convinced her that she has changed so much, no one could recognize her.

She ran her fingers over her knuckles as she looked up, her gaze sweeping across the place as she searched for the particular face she's looking for. Zarah told her something about Maria going there every Monday.

"Why?" Rahma asked, not understanding the logic behind the woman going to a restaurant every Monday night.

Zarah shrugged, "Something about meeting wives of other rich men. It's something she does often to help her husband's image"

"And why would me being there help?" She asked, still not getting it. If the woman meets rich men's wives, there then why should she be there? It's not like she's married or something.

"That is where you'll 'accidentally' stumble across her"

Getting a reservation in the restaurant is hard, it takes days to do so. However, Zarah pulled some strings and so, got Rahma in a small amount of time. That doesn't mean it was easy though because it was far from it actually.

Rahma made her way over to an empty table beside the one Maria sat, along with a couple of other women. A waiter came up to her to take her order. She gazed at the menu, though her ears were strained to hear snippets from the women's conversation, but she couldn't hear a thing so she turned to the waiter and ordered her food, placing the menu down as the man walked away after scribbling down her order.

She crossed her legs and waited, thinking of an opportunity she could use to strike up a conversation with the woman. It was obvious that Maria didn't notice her, the woman's attention wasn't on anyone but the women she's sitting with.

When the waiter returned with the drink she ordered, she thanked him with a small smile etched on her face. Her gaze discreetly moved to Maria before she looked at him, muttering something to him to which he nodded before walking away.

She stood up, leaving her drink untouched as she headed over to the powder room where she kept her clutch aside, fixing her veil in the process as she counted the minutes in her head. She had a plan going at the moment, she just hoped it'll work out in her favor and not go south. God knows she had no plan after that one. If it doesn't work, she'll have to call Zarah and ask for help. The woman always knows what to say.

"Two minute and thirty-eight seconds" She muttered, as she continued to count. Reaching her hand out, she turned on the faucet when she heard footsteps and soon enough, the restroom door swung open and a figure walked in. Rahma watched her through the glass mirror as the woman walked up to a faucet beside her, turning it on and dabbing a wet towel on her cloth where the waiter 'accidentally' spilled a drink on her.

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