CH16. All Is Fair In Deception

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28th FEBRUARY, 2017.


Ameerah stood by the door and watched as her mother glanced at the phone in her hand with a forlorn mien, before she sighed and dropped the phone. She reached her fingers up and massaged her temples, she internally tried to convince herself that this will all be over one day, that things will go back to the way they originally were.

Ameerah who knew that things will never be the same again looked away indignantly. She didn't know whether her mother was blind to see the truth or she is just pretending to not see it, not wanting to accept the truth. The woman is clearly in denial, that much Ameerah could tell.

Her gaze moved back to her mother who leaned back on the chair she is sitting on, closing her eyes in the process. "Stop looking at me like that" She said woozily. The headache she's having isn't helping the ache she feels, and Ameerah's judging looks only added to that.

Ameerah resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Of course she knows I'm standing here, she thought in her head. She glanced at the phone that laid on the floor, then to her mother's slumped form, "I told you to stop worrying about him"

Lami shook her head lazily, not having the energy in her to argue with her obdurate daughter, "You won't understand"

"Understand what?" Ameerah asked, folding her hand over her torso, "Understand that you care so much about a man that doesn't not care a bit about you?" Ameerah struggled to keep her voice from raising at her obstinate mother. She shouldn't raise her voice at her, she knows that but the fact that Lami refuse to listen to her regarding something that affects her is irking.

She doesn't get how hard it is for Lami to understand that Alhaji Hamisu does not acre about her at all. He stopped caring years ago and he doesn't show any symptoms of changing any time soon. Yet Lami, the woman who's helplessly in love with him believes that he will change someday.

'When?' Is the question that's lingering in Ameerah's head.

Yes, the man does things are obligatory to him as a husband to Lami, but not all of them. Just the ones that he feels like doing.

His cold attitude isn't the same towards Ameerah though. Similar? Yes but at least he smiles and have conversations with the girl unlike her mother whom he refused to spare a glance at.

And his callous attitude towards her is taking a great toll on her.

Lami ignored the girl's tone, waving off her words like it meant nothing, "There are things that you're too young to understand Ameerah" She said, exhaustion lacing her tone.

"No I'm not" She groaned, resisting the urge to tug the strands of her hair out of frustration. She inhaled deeply, trying to calm herself down. When she was sure that she had her anger at bay, she walked into the room and made her way over to where her mother sat. She crouched in front of her, holding Lami's hands in hers, this made the woman look at her. "I'm sorry if what I said offended you Mama but please understand that I am doing this for you"

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