CH25. Same Old Pain

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To Zaynaabuu and mss_amee

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To Zaynaabuu and mss_amee. Thank you for the comments 😭😭❤️ I always look forward to reading them.

The woman pushed the door open as slowly as she could, so as to not wake up her sleeping seven-year-old. She blinked her teary eyes as her gaze fell on the boy that's sleepily soundly. His face contorted into a slight pout which shows how little problems he has in the world, or so he thought at the moment.

She swallowed thickly as she stepped in, pushing the door but forgetting to close it completely. She blinked again rapidly, willing the tears to go back the closer she gets to the bed. Eventually when she reached it, she got into the bed, beside her son and leaned on her arm, staring at him.

On instinct, she reached her hand out and pushed his hair off his forehead which had eventually grown in length. He seemed to like it though, so she didn't bother making him get a haircut. She yearned to feel some comfort by gazing at him but it wasn't enough.

She pulled him in for an embrace, feeling him move around a bit but slowly slipping back into his slumber. She cradled him to her chest, rubbing her hand on his head, caressing as the tears fall. "I love you Noah. Mom loves you so much" She sniffed, trying to hold in the sobs so she wouldn't wake you up. "You'd always be my peanut"

Maria's brow furrowed when she spotted Noah's door slightly ajar. "This boy never listens" She muttered, shaking her head as she wiped her slightly damp hands on her dress. She walked towards the door with the intention of closing it shut so the boy can sleep. However, she stopped just as she held the when she spotted the sight of the son in his mother's hold.

Maria sighed, her shoulders slumped as she felt the familiar pain in her heart resurface. Her lips tilted into a deep frown as a crease appeared between her brows.

She knew back then that the problem will eventually affect the boy, but she did nothing to stop it. And that is something she regrets up to date.

Maria sighed and used her fingers to massage her temple. Her head aches from the hours she spent, eyes fixated on the white painted wall as her thoughts went far back into the past. She shook her head furiously, as if that will erase the memories that haunts her. And in a way, she did want to forget it but how can she when the past is slowly catching up to them? How could she when she knows that sooner or later, she and Noah would go through the same old pain they felt all those years back?

Could she handle it? Yes. What she fears though is how Noah would react. If there's a way for her to take all the pain from him, she would in a heartbeat.

The sound of footsteps caught her attention first, before she felt the presence beside her. The maid smiled though the woman's eyes were not on her, "Do you want anything Aunt Maria?"

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