CH50. Forever

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Aisha stepped into the room

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Aisha stepped into the room. The sound of the door being swung open snapped Rahma out of her trance. The quad looked up, their lips curling into smiles when they noticed who it is. Aisha, just like Zarah and Rahma looked stunning in the anko the three had for the wedding. The only difference between them was that she along with Juwy had their veils bigger than the other two since the two are married women.

She and Tahir got married a month after Rahma was released.

She gasped when her gaze fell on Ameerah, her lips curling into a wide grin, "Masha Allah! Zawjatu akhi you look stunning!"

The friends nodded in agreement.

"She looks stunning but this girl eh...There's not a single drop of tear in her eyes!" Juwy exclaimed for the umpteenth time.

Rahma chuckled, shaking her head in the process. "Why do you care so much about this ne kam?"

Juwy scoffed, rolling her eyes. "If not children of this generation how is it that you won't cry on your wedding day?"

"Don't mind her" Ameerah said, "She's just angry because I made fun of her when she cried on her wedding day"

This made the others laugh, except Juwy who rolled her eyes mumbling stuff about how unfair it is that Ameerah made fun of her but she couldn't return the favor.

"Don't worry" Rahma said to Juwy, "I have a feeling she'll cry soon" Her eyes met that of Zarah who nodded in agreement. The look they shared indicated that what she said meant more than what the rest assumed, yet no one made a move to ask for an explanation.

Aisha glanced at the wristwatch strapped around her wrist. She then looked up, "The groom will be here soon. You should get changed, I'll retouch your makeup. Yalla!" She held her sister in law's hand and pulled her up.

Ameerah chuckled at Aisha before she shook her head, "Let me pray first". She picked up her a hijab and headed to the restroom so she could perform ablution.

Juwy leaned back on the bed, keeping her gaze on Aisha. "As the groom's sister, shouldn't you be home helping your mom?"

"Nah" Aisha shook her head, placing her bag on the bed, "Today, I'm the bride's friend not the groom's sister. She and I grew up together fah"

Rahma parted her lips to say something, when a knock on the door stopped her midway. Her brows drew in, wondering who it could be.

"I'll check" Zarah said, standing up. She picked up her veil and put it on before heading to the door. The rest quietly waited for her return.

After a couple of minutes, Zarah returned. "Girls put on your veils, let's head out and wait first"

"Who is it?" Aisha asked, brows knitted.

Rahma's gaze met Zarah, she quietly nodded in understanding. She knew who it was, as so did Juwy which is why she didn't ask too. Rahma moved her gaze to Aisha, offering her a smile. "We'll tell you outside. Let's just go"

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