CH28. --And Your Enemies Even Closer

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Rahma slung a veil over her shoulder

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Rahma slung a veil over her shoulder. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. Cold eyes met her gaze. The anger behind those orbs prominent yet she managed to conceal it with the stoic expression she had on.

She reached her hand out and picked up her phone, along with her bag that was resting on the vanity table. She turned around and walked out of the room, her stilettos clanking on the marbled floor. On normal occasions, she wouldn't have worn it but for some reason, it boosted her confidence. And she needed every bit of confidence and self-control she could muster at the moment.

"To Maria's house" She said to the driver, after she got in the back seat. She kept the bag beside her and crossed her legs, leaning back on the seat slightly. Her eyes flickered to the window, gazing at the street.

"Was it a head-on collision?" She asked the police officers. She decided to stop by their place the minute she left the hospital. She didn't want to waste any more time. She wanted to find out the truth as soon as possible.

Something about the incident simply doesn't add up for her.

The police officer shook his head, "No Ma'am. The accident happened because Attorney Zarah was over speeding"

Rahma released a small sarcastic laughter. She knew he couldn't see her expression clearly due to the spectacles and mask, but she made sure he noticed the glare, "Are you hearing yourself officer? She's an attorney. She of all people know the rules. Do you think she'd break it?"

The police officer sighed, leaning forward he rested his hands on the desk. "Ma'am, she wouldn't be the first lawyer to break the law"

"I know that. But you have to look at all the possibilities here. I mean—"

"With all due respect Ma'am, we did our job and it showed that she was over speeding. That caused the car accident. It was caused by her carelessness. Nothing else so please do not come up any falser scenarios"

A part of Rahma believed what he said. However, she knew Zarah wouldn't over speed and cause an accident. It doesn't sound like something she would do. And though no evidence points at Maria, she felt the need to check for herself. The anger in her wouldn't let her stay home and calm down first.

She needed to face Maria and find out if she's connected to what happened to Zarah by whatever means necessary.

After all, she made plans to meet Maria that day. She couldn't just call it off. Admittedly, the rational part of her thought about staying home as she knew there's a high chance she can't control her anger around Maria at the moment.

Frankly speaking, she was angry with everyone. Maria, the police, the doctors and everyone else she came in contact with. And as much as she hates to admit it, that anger was being fueled by her fear.

Without Zarah, she's at risk of ending back in jail. She might as well give herself back in at the moment. She had no connections whatsoever compared to Zarah. She's simply nothing so the chances of her finding out the truth and being freed is slim.

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