CH33. A Game Of Chess

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Adrenalin by Solar cuz

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Adrenalin by Solar cuz...well, the chapter's vibes fits it😎


Rahma smiled, subconsciously tightening her hold around her bag's handle. "You wanted to talk?"

He nodded, glancing at a spot behind her, "Let's walk. We'll talk on the way. Walking always helps me clear my mind"

With lips set into a tight line, Rahma subtly nodded and swiveled around. The two walked at first in silence. Rahma had so many question to ask and so does Noah. However, the fact Noah isn't aware that he knows about her real identity stopped her. And on Noah's side, he wanted her to have things her way. To see how far she can go with the act.

A few seconds of silence turned into minutes and still no words came from either of them.

Rahma's eyes wandered off to the kids playing in the park. Kids she saw her young self in. She couldn't help but yearn to have had that kind of childhood.

Those kids looked like they have no problems in the world. She couldn't count the problems she had when she was their age. One after another, they kept coming on. Even as she's an adult at the moment, the problems never gave her a minute off.

It's those times that she always remembers that Allah does not burden a soul with more than it could bear. As long as she had Allah, she didn't lose hope of seeing the end of her problems all one day.

That was one of the few good things she got out of living in prison. The white woman that gave her food on her first day there was right, not all of them were bad. And though Rahma maintained her distance from all of them, she didn't do that when it came to learning. A few of the inmates were nice enough to teach her what they know about Islam, some went to the extent of teaching her how to read a couple of books they had in there with them.

Though she wanted nothing to do with prison again for she considered the place hell, there was no denying that some good came out of it.

"Ice cream?" Noah's voice snapped her out of her trance.

She looked away from the kids, resting her gaze on him. "Huh?"

He pointed to an ice cream truck by the corner, "You want to get some ice cream?" He repeated his earlier question, a brow raised.

She glanced at the ice cream truck, then at him, "Ice cream?" She chuckled. "You really want ice cream right now?"

He chuckled too, "Yes. Come on, it's nice. I promise" He didn't wait for her reply as he walked away, leaving her to follow close behind.

Rahma stayed behind as he ordered the ice cream. When he asked which flavor she wanted, she allowed him to pick. Honestly, she couldn't care less about the flavor. She knew that without a doubt, she liked the chocolate one she tried with him when they were kids. Yet again, she liked the vanilla one Zarah stocked her fridge up with.

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