CH32. Unfriendly Partners

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Ameerah pulled her hand back, noting the fact that Rahma didn't plan on accepting the handshake

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Ameerah pulled her hand back, noting the fact that Rahma didn't plan on accepting the handshake.

Turning around, Rahma picked up her bag before pivoting around to look at Ameerah, "Let's talk somewhere else" Her tone still held the cold edge it had since the moment Ameerah stepped into the room.

Without waiting for an answer, she side stepped Ameerah and made her way over to the door.

"I think you're mistaken here" Ameerah's voice made her stop just as her hand held the doorknob. Ameerah turned around to look at Rahma, who refused to turn. Yet, her merely stopping was all the assurance Ameerah needed to know that she got her attention. "I'm not someone you can just order around. You don't even know why I'm here"

Rahma's fingers lightly tapped the doorknob as she swiveled around, "Let me guess..." She noticed how Ameerah had her arms folded, " want to talk about the offer I made Mubarak"

It wasn't a question, it was a statement and they both knew it. Judging by the way Ameerah's cocky façade wavered at the statement was all Rahma needed to know that she was right. Unlike Mubarak, Ameerah wasn't exactly an expert at hiding her emotion.

"That's what I thought" Rahma said after a few seconds of silence due to the lack of response from Ameerah. Rahma maintained eye contact with Ameerah, her expression neutral and her hold on the doorknob steady. "So, do you want to go outside and talk about it?" Her eyes flickered to Zarah for a split second, "Doctor said we can't make noise around her"

Ameerah nodded, letting Rahma lead the way.

Rahma chose a spot far away from prying eyes and eavesdropping ears. She knew it was a bad move to leave Zarah alone but she was certain nothing would happen to her. Maria wouldn't dare if she knew what's best for her. She might be careless, but she wasn't stupid.

She stopped when they reached a clearing in the backyard. From the spot, they could see the other people but they couldn't see them due to the tree obstructing their view.

The two women stood facing each other.

Rahma was the first to break the silence. "What do you want? Why are you here?"

Ameerah scoffed lightly, "Why are you asking when you already know?"

"I'm asking because I'm sure Mubarak isn't on board with this and no offence but..." She resisted the urge to give Ameerah a onceover, so she blinked furiously. "'s his help I want. Not yours" She didn't mean to sound rude but in all honestly, she has no use for the girl.

Mubarak though. He's her one solution.

Ameerah scoffed, "And here I was trying to cut a deal with you that'll help us both"

"No offence but, without Mubarak in this, I don't want any deal"

"Getting Mubarak on board is not a problem, let me handle it. He would've agreed eventually had you not tried to blackmail him"

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