CH35. Maze

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Rahma opened the bag, glancing at the spot she placed the flash to make sure it was still there

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Rahma opened the bag, glancing at the spot she placed the flash to make sure it was still there. When she looked up, her gaze fell on the stack of papers that lay inside an envelope. She swallowed, wondering if she should take it along with her or just leave it there. Realizing that it's better to keep both flash and papers in a safe place, she headed back to the table and picked it up before rushing back to her bag.

The envelope was big so big that it couldn't fit in the bag that she picked up. So, she opted for holding it in her hand.

Since she came out of the shower, she didn't bother to turn on her laptop and hearing whatever Maria said knowing that the woman I still cursing and shouting at someone. She doubts she'll hear anything interesting so she didn't bother.

Glancing at herself one last time in the mirror, she smiled, satisfied with her look. Since the incident that happened to Zarah, she seemed to be wearing a lot of traditional outfits more than she ever did before.

Along with the bag in one hand, and the envelope in another, she headed to the car that was waiting for her outside. She exchanged pleasantries with the driver that she had gotten close to over the weeks and gave him the address of the place Tahir sent her over the message earlier. She then placed the envelope underneath her bag and leaned back on the back chair, sighing in content when she realizes that slowly but surely, the plan is working and that she is getting closer to the truth.

All she has to do is find that Lena woman. She is the answer to all the questions she has and judging by the fight Maria had with her earlier, Lena wouldn't hesitate to help Rahma. Or at least that was what she hoped.

Rahma sighed again, massaging her temples in the process as she crossed her legs. Mubarak will find Lena for her, that she was sure of. But, it might take time and time is something she does not have.

Compared to Mubarak and Ameerah, her time is limited. She only has 7 days left, or more like 6, considering the fact that she has to be out of the country by the 13th else she'll be deported. She either returns back to prison on the 15th or she'll get caught and sent back there forcefully.

So basically, six days was all she had left.

And that scared her a lot. She knew that she had gotten far but after what happened earlier, and what she heard Maria say, it'll be a miracle if she lives till then.

Maria won't stop until someone dies, and in that case, Rahma is the one most likely.

Rahma couldn't stop thinking of the possibility of her dying or ending up in prison. She knew she should be optimistic but she knows Maria more than anyone. If the woman could frame a 12-year-old for murder, had someone almost killed by messing with their car brakes, then who says she wouldn't attempt to actually kill someone for real?

Rahma was lost in her thoughts the entire drive. She only looked up when the driver told her that they had arrived. She didn't bother to take in the name or how the building looks, she just walked right in, leaving the envelope in the car tucked under the backseat.

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