Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

        Opening my eyes, the sun shined bright, blinding me. I closed my eyes again and rolled over, feeling warm yet extremely comfortable. Re-opening my eyes, I was met with the face of a guy, Isaac. My eyes widened as I came to conclusions, but then realization hit. Nothing happened. I looked down at his arm, which was wrapped tightly around me, holding me close. Gently lifting it off of me, I sat up and swung my legs around to the side of the bed. Quietly unlocking my door, I heard Isaac stir, but when I looked back, he was facing the other direction, snoring softly. I made my way out to the kitchen, grabbing two bowls, two spoons, a box of cereal and the milk. After struggling a bit to hold everything, I finally made it back to my room, to find a sleepy Isaac rubbing his eyes and yawning like a little kid.

        “Good morning,” I whispered as I shut the door gently with my foot. “I thought you’d be hungry when you woke up, so I brought breakfast.” He smiled, and I sat down in front of him, handing him a bowl and spoon.

        “Thanks. How long have you been up?” He asked, pouring milk into his cereal.

        I swallowed the bit of food I had in my mouth before saying, “About five minutes.” We hung out for another hour before he said he had to go.

        “Yeah, I should probably see if Avery wants to hang out today. She was wanting to last night, but I told her I had homework to catch up on. I feel bad about lying to her. I’ll see you later, though? At the pool?” He nodded and left through the back door again. Grabbing my towels, I locked my doors and headed for the bathroom.

        Pulling up outside of Avery’s house, I got out, walking up to her front door. I knocked, and a few seconds later, she opened it, an unhappy look crossing her face when she saw me. “What? What’s wrong?” I asked, looking behind me to see if she was looking at someone else; she was not.

        “What’s wrong? How about the fact that you lied to me yesterday?” She declared, putting her hands on her hips.

        “What? I didn’t—how did you –? I didn’t lie to you,” I stuttered, nervously.

        “There you go lying to me again!” She said, storming off into the house. I followed after her, shutting the door behind me. “You told me that you had to work and then do homework to catch up in chemistry. I went to your house last night to see if you wanted help, and I saw you. You and Isaac were cuddling in your bed.” She rounded on me when we reached the living room. Only then did I notice that she was the only one in the house. Digesting what she said, I thought back to last night during the movie. I had gotten tired and was falling asleep against Isaac’s side. He had wrapped an arm around me, and I was out.

        Avery stood there, waiting for me to say something, “Look, Avery, I’m sorry. I had already told Isaac that we would hang out last night after work, and I didn’t tell you because you already thought there was something going on between us. I didn’t want you to think that because there is absolutely nothing going on.”

        “Well, that’s not what I saw last night.” She crossed her arms, calmer now than she was before.

        “Whatever you saw last night was just one friend being kind to another friend,” I pleaded.

        “You know I would’ve believed you, right? You could’ve told me you wanted to spend time with a guy you liked.” I blushed when she said that. “I would have understood. You didn’t have to lie about it. You’ve never lied to me.” I could see the hurt in her eyes. It was making my guilt grow as I looked at her. My phone rang, making me jump. Looking down at the ID, I saw Isaac’s name. Hesitating, I looked up at Avery. “It’s him, isn’t it? Go ahead, answer it. But, you can leave in the process,” she said walking to her room and slamming the door. The phone started ringing in my hand again, so I answered it.

        “Hey, I just wanted to let you know that the pool is going to be closing soon, if you want to head down and just wait in my office,” Isaac said through the phone.

        I glanced over at Avery’s closed door before replying, “Uh, yeah, sure. I just need to grab my suit from home, and then I’ll be there.” Hanging up, I went back out to my car and left for home. 


Author's Note:

Uh oh! Will Avery forgive Piper for lying to her? Stay tuned!

I've been wanting to update for a couple of days, but I've been busy. I'm just now getting around to doing it while I rest my sore muscles.

"Why are your muscles sore?" You ask. Because I half jogged, half ran a 5k yesterday morning in downtown Seattle. It was fun (and tiring), but I wish it wasn't at 6:45 in the morning. I had to get up at 4:30 and it was FREEZING!!

Anyway, enough about me, hope you all have a great March! And remember, just a couple more weeks until spring break is here, then a couple weeks after that, school will be over and we can all enjoy our summer :)

Story line and characters are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2015.

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