Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

        “I just discovered my powers,” she disclosed. I waited for her to continue, and when she didn’t hear me respond, she went on. “Remember how I said I had a weird dream that wasn’t really a dream, and I was in a room with things floating around? Well, a woman showed up. I asked her what was going on, and she explained that I had powers. I could heal wounds and control things. She showed me how to do all of that. She said I would do great things in the future. I didn’t believe that any of it was real, but now that I’ve seen it and actually done it, it’s not so crazy,” she explained. I had heard of this before; I remember the Elders talking about it being rare for our kind to have powers. And, the ones that did were very powerful.

        “But, how did all of this happen? What caused it?” I asked, eyeing her carefully. I watched as her face dropped, and she turned away from me. “Piper? What is it? What happened?” I implored. She turned back around, and I could see a mix of emotion in her eyes.

        “My mom was driving drunk, and she hit someone. He was still in surgery when I got to the hospital. The police said that there is a high chance of him dying, which means my mom will go to jail.”

*Piper’s POV*

        I sunk down to the floor with my legs underneath me. “I’m already so overwhelmed with Avery not talking to me and with Kiana getting so close to finding out that I’m a freaking mermaid. Not to mention, I’m a freaking mermaid!” I added. I felt a wave of all the emotions from earlier, and I had to force myself to stay calm. Isaac must have sensed I was getting worked up again because he sat in front of me and grabbed my hands, rubbing soft circles in them with his thumbs.

        “Look, everything that you’re dealing with right now is just a speed bump in life. You’ll make up with Avery, you’ll keep Kiana from finding out, and your mom . . . Well, at least jail has visiting hours,” he said, chuckling a bit at the end. I could not help but crack a smile.

        “But, how do you know everything is going to work out?” I countered.

        “Because I have hope,” he said, looking me dead in the eye. Letting my small smile grow larger, I started to lean forward. Isaac seemed to catch on and started leaning in, too. The kiss was soft and slow and I pulled away, remembering something.

        “I just remembered something that Avery said to me while she was chewing me out last week. She said something about you being my new boyfriend or whatever, except I don’t ever remember you asking, nor do I remember you taking me on a date,” I affirmed.

        He thought about it for a moment before responding, “You’re right. Well, how about this? There is a meeting for the mer-people, and it’s being held by the Elders. Why don’t you come with me? You can meet some other mermaids and mermen, plus the Elders. I’m sure they would love to meet a mermaid with some extraordinary powers.” I nodded, agreeing. Standing up, Isaac reached a hand out for me to take. “Come on,” he declared. With a questioning look on my face, I slowly took his hand, standing up.

        “Where are we going?” He didn’t answer me, but instead dragged me outside to his car. He refused to tell me where we were going; even though, I asked the entire car ride. We turned onto a street, and I recognized the houses we passed. We were on Avery’s street.

        “Isaac, no. She doesn’t want to talk to me,” I contended. He acted as if he didn’t hear me and kept driving. Pulling up to the curb, he got out and came around to the passenger side, opening my door. I made no move to get out as he stood there waiting.

        “Come on, Piper. She’s your best friend. I thought you wanted to make things right with her?” he countered. Shooting him a glare, I got out and shut the door.

        “Fine, but what makes you think she’ll talk to me? She hasn’t been for the past couple of days.” He grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers as we walked up to the door. He knocked, and I could feel knots forming in my stomach. The door opened, revealing a tired looking Avery.

        “Hi,” I said quietly, hoping not to have the door slammed in my face. She stared at me for a moment before rushing forward and wrapping me in a tight hug.

        “I’m so sorry, Piper. I heard about your mom, and I thought about how upset you must be, especially with everything going on between us. Then, I realized how stupid I was being,” she said in a rush. I laughed, hugging her back as Isaac stared at us, smiling. She pulled away and looked back inside her house. “I want to hear more about your . . . abilities, but we probably shouldn’t talk about it here.”

        “Why don’t we go to my house? I’m the only one there, so nobody can overhear,” I proposed, looking back and forth between the two of them. They both nodded, and Avery went back inside to tell her parents she would be staying with me tonight while Isaac and I waited in the car. A few minutes later, she came running out and got in the backseat.

        “All good?” I asked, looking back at her. She nodded, smiling as Isaac pulled away. That is when I began the explanation, telling her everything up to today. 


Author's Note:

Avery and Piper made up!!

Story line and characters are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2015.

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