Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

        A couple of days later, I sat in my room, texting Avery while I waited for Isaac to come pick me up. Tonight was that meeting being held by the Elders. Hearing a honk from outside, I thanked God that my mom was still in the hospital. The guy she had hit was fine, but my mom was still being charged with a DUI. The doctors wanted to watch over her to make sure she was okay, so they made her stay a couple of more nights. Grabbing my purse, I quickly exited my house, locking the door behind me. Getting in the car, I leaned over, giving Isaac a quick peck on the lips. Ten minutes later, we arrived at a cozy beach house, and I got out, noticing how there was only one other car here.

        “Are you sure the meeting is tonight?” I asked Isaac as he led me to the front door.

        Nodding his head, he knocked on the door then turned to look at me, “I thought you might like to meet the Elders first, get a chance to introduce yourself.” The door opened revealing a middle-aged man. Bowing his head slightly at Isaac, he stepped aside, letting us in. I grasped onto Isaac’s hand tightly, not wanting to be left alone in this unfamiliar place. We walked down a flight of stairs to a den where there were two couches, a love seat and some chairs that were both rockers and recliners. Sitting on one of the couches were three older people, two women and a man. They must be the Elders. Feeling extra nervous, I slowed my pace. Isaac sent me a comforting smile and let go of my hand, walking forward to greet them. They happily greeted each other before Isaac turned to look at me, making the Elders look at me as well. “This is the guest I told you I was bringing, Piper Natua,” he told them, wrapping an arm around my waist and moving me forward. “Piper, these are the Elders: Maria, Tom, and Nancy,” he said, pointing to them individually. Smiling, I sent them all a small wave.

        “Such a young and beautiful girl you are. I can see you are still so new to what you can do,” Maria commented, standing up and walking over to me. The closer she got, the more familiar she looked, but I could not figure out why. Then, it hit me; she was the woman from my dream, who told me I had powers.

        “You! You’re the one who showed me what I could do!” I announced, staring at her wide eyed. She simply nodded her head with a gentle smile on her face.

        “Please, come have a seat, the others should be arriving in about an hour,” Tom suggested, motioning to the love seat. We did as he said, getting comfortable. “So, tell us, how did you become a mermaid?” They were all staring so intensely at me; it was giving me a bit of a complex.

        “Well, I went out surfing on a day that a storm hit, and the waves carried me away from where I had started,” I started, telling them about how I had fallen down a tunnel and found the mysterious cave. Listening to the story, their eyes never strayed from me. I finished my story, and they looked at each other, silently communicating.

        “So, you found the cave. We kept it hidden for so long, almost no one finds it. Unless of course, you go surfing in a storm,” Nancy disclosed, winking. I blushed slightly, looking sideways at Isaac who was trying to hold back a smile.

        “There is a myth, you know, about that cave,” Maria began, capturing my attention. “It’s an old myth. Some say that if you touch the water during a lunar eclipse, you’ll lose all powers. You’ll be completely human, never to turn into a mermaid or merman again.” Upon hearing that, I paid even closer attention.

        “You can get rid of it? Just like that?” I acknowledged. Isaac gave me a weird look, but I ignored it, too engrossed in Maria’s story.

        “Well, not exactly. See, about two hundred years ago, a merman tried it, and it worked. But, a hundred years later another man tried it, and it didn’t work. Besides, it’s just an old myth,” Maria revealed.

        “But it could work?” I asked, hopeful.

        “It’s not likely, but, yes, there is a small possibility,” Nancy replied.

         “You want to do it, don’t you?” Isaac countered a hard look on his face.

        “I don’t know. I mean, if it worked, it would solve the issue with Kiana,” I responded, shrugging a shoulder.

        “Well, you need make a decision soon, the lunar eclipse is next week,” Tom proclaimed. For the rest of the meeting, all I could think about was the myth and if I would try it or not.


Author's Note:

Nancy is played by Julie Walters

Tom is played by Michael Caine

Maria is played by Maggie Smith 

Only one more chapter, I think, until the story is over!

Story line and characters are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2015.

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