Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

        The next day, I was walking through the halls of school with Avery by my side. She chattered on about a guy at her work who she thought was really cute while I zoned out, giving her an occasional laugh or nod. I was still thinking about the transformation and if I should tell Avery or not. She was good at keeping a secret when you asked her to, but what would she say if I told her I turned into a mermaid? Would she laugh and think I was crazy? Or would she actually believe me? I decided that I was not going to tell her; not now at least. Getting to our lockers, I looked around at everyone passing by talking to each other. A couple of lockers away, a guy caught my attention. He was looking at me intently. Feeling creeped out, I turned and started entering the combination for my lock. Pulling my locker open, I grabbed my math book, not exactly needing it but trying to look busy. When I had closed my locker and turned around, I came face to face with Kiana Lono. She and I used to be best friends, but then things fell apart and she stopped hanging out with me.

        “Hey, Pipsqueak,” she smirked. I stole a glance at Avery, who was glaring at her.

        “Kiana,” I acknowledged.

        “Heard you got caught in that storm the other day. You must really like the water don’t you? Well, then, you won’t mind a little more.” I gasped as she poured her bottle of water over my head. Knowing what was going to happen, I ran to the nearest bathroom, feeling my legs begin to tingle. It was a one-person bathroom, so when I got in, I quickly shut and locked the door. My bag fell to the ground next to the door, and I stumbled, losing my legs. There was as loud bang on the door, and I jumped, scared that it would open and people would find out my secret. The banging continued, and I heard a familiar voice on the other side.

               “Piper! Open up!” The bell for class rang overhead as she continued to hit the door.

        “No! Just go to class Avery! I’ll see you later!”

        The banging stopped and it was quiet for a moment before she replied, “Ok. There is an extra pair of clothes in my locker if you need them.” All was quiet after that. A little while later after my body had returned to its normal state, I picked up my things and unlocked the door. I turned to walk down the hall to my locker when a deep voice suddenly stopped me, making me whirl around in fright.

        “I saw what happened earlier.” I stared at him; it was the same guy from earlier.

         “Yeah, well, so did everyone else,” I stated, turning back around and continuing down the hall.

        “That’s not what I meant. I know what you are,” he asserted. I froze in my spot, hearing his footsteps get closer.

        I spun around to look at him, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He slowly advanced on me as I stepped backwards. My back hit the lockers, and I glanced around, looking for a way out. He stood in front of me, arms crossed. I tried to go around him, but he put his arms up against the lockers, blocking my path. I gasped slightly and leaned back into the lockers, hoping to sink into them as he leaned in.

        “You’re lying. I saw your eyes,” he spoke softly. My eyes widened as I realized what happened. My eyes must have changed colors after she poured the water on me before my legs changed.

        “You must have been imagining it because I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I countered. He pulled his right fist back and punched the locker right next to my head, making me flinch. When I looked up at him again, I saw the fire in his eyes.

        “Stop lying,” he hissed through his teeth. “I know what I saw, and I know what you are.” Knowing that I would not get out of this, I leaned back against the locker in defeat.

        “Fine, you caught me. But, all you saw were my eyes, so what else gave me away?” Instead of responding, he looked me up and down before stepping away. He turned and started to walk down the hall while I tried to catch up. He had long legs, so for every one step I took, he seemed to take three. “Hey, wait! How did you know? You can’t just walk away like that!” I grabbed his arm to get him to stop, and when he turned, his eyes flashing red briefly before going back to normal. “Wha-? Your-! Your eyes!” I stuttered, utterly confused. He stepped away from me as I stared at him, “Does this mean you’re a-?”

        “Not here. Follow me,” he cut me off, nodding his head in the direction of the double doors.


Author's Note:

*Le gasp* Someone caught her! Who is this guy?!

I hope you guys are enjoying this story! It means a lot to me when I come on here and see that I have more views. 

I know we just met two new characters, but you will learn about one of them in the next chapter, then the other a few chapters after that!

Feel free to leave comments on any of my stories! I love having feedback from you guys!

Story line and characters are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2015.

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