Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

        On the ride to the hospital, I told Avery about how I had found a hidden cave and slept there while the storm passed. When we got there, a nurse guided Avery and me to a room, where we waited for the doctor. It took almost an hour for the doctor to show up and by then I was tired and ready to leave. She checked my wounds and stitched up my leg. “So when can I leave?” I asked, slightly irritated.

        Not looking up from what she was writing on her clipboard, she answered, “Not until a parent or guardian comes and signs you out.” Avery and I looked at each other with one thought in our minds: my drunk of a mom.

        “Umm, well, what if my mom signs her out? She’s practically family.”

        The doctor shook her head, “Nope. Sorry. She’s not the legal guardian, and if she signs her out, that would be considered kidnapping and that’s illegal.” She looked up at us with finality and left the room. Turning to Avery, I started freaking out.

        “What are we going to do?! They’re not going to let me leave. And, my mom won’t come get me. Oh my god, I’m gonna be living here!”

        Avery came to stand in front of me, and she put her hands on my shoulder, looking me straight in the eyes, “Piper. Listen to me. You are not going to stay here. The doctor said you were free to go after getting signed out. I’ll go call my mom and watch for the doctor. You get changed and go sign yourself out. My mom will be waiting outside. Okay?” I nodded, and she left the room, keeping an eye out for the doctor. I quickly got changed into the clothes I had brought and left in my car. As soon as I was done, I stuck my head out the door, looking for Avery. I spotted her at the end of the hall, and she nodded her head, signaling it was clear. Rushing down to meet her, we made our way over to the front desk, where a nurse sat looking at something on the computer.

        “Hello, um, the doctor that was examining me said I could leave. Is this where I sign out?” I asked, nervously. She nodded and handed me a form to sign. After signing it and handing it back to the nurse, Avery grabbed my hand and pulled me out the doors and to her mom’s waiting car.


Author's Note:

Sorry if this chapter is kind of boring, it'll get better, I promise :)

So the picture is of Janel Parrish, who is Avery. 

More cast members coming soon! :)

Story line and characters are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2015.

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