Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

        Arriving at the hospital, I saw two police officers standing by the front desk, talking to a doctor. Going around them, I found a nurse sitting there, doing paperwork. “I’m looking for my mom. The school told me she was in an accident,” I said, my voice shaking.

        “What’s the last name?”

        “Natua,” I responded quickly.

        One of the policemen overheard me say the name, and he walked over to me, “Are you Piper Natua? Miss Natua’s daughter?”

        I nodded my head, “Can I see her?” Guiding me over to a small sitting area, he asked if I could answer some questions.

        “Piper, has your mom ever had problems with alcohol?”

        Nodding slowly, I put my head in my hands. “Oh god, that’s what happened; isn’t it? She was driving drunk.”

        “She’s done this before?”

        I nodded again, “Yes, only one other time, though. She hit a pole at night then drove off. I’ve tried telling her not to drive when she’s like that, but she doesn’t listen to me.” I closed my eyes, getting flashbacks of us arguing after she hit the pole.

        “Well, that was a harmless incident. This time your mother hurt someone. She ran a red light and smashed into the driver side of a vehicle. The doctors don’t think he’s going to live. Piper, your mom is already in trouble for driving while intoxicated. If this man dies, she’s gonna be in even more trouble,” he told me in a gentle voice. I stayed quiet, thinking about what he was saying.

        “My mom could go to jail, couldn’t she? If he dies?” I asked him softly, tears brimming my eyes. He nodded after a moment. “Can I see her?” He got up, going over to the doctor, who was still talking with the other police officer.

        They exchanged a few words, and the officer returned, “They gave her some medicine to help her sleep, but the doctor says you can go in.” I followed behind him as he led me down a hallway to the last door on the right. The door was already open, so I could see my mom lying in the bed, handcuffed to the railing and asleep. Walking in, I pulled the chair closer to her bed, sitting in it. “I’ll give you a moment,” the policeman said, walking away. Looking up at her face, I noted how peaceful she looked. She has not looked like this since my father passed away. I grasped onto her hand, putting it between both of mine.

        “Oh mom. Why don’t you ever listen to me?” I asked, hoping she could hear me. I sat there for about an hour before the doctor told me to leave. I was like a zombie walking out to my car and for the entire drive home. My mind was racing, trying to process everything. Kiana was close to finding out what I was, Avery found out and was not talking to me, and my mom was in the hospital, facing murder charges. My life was spiraling downward, and soon I would hit rock bottom. Pulling up outside of my house, I parked the car and just sat there, unmoving. I looked up at my house, seeing no light shine in the darkness outside. Forcing myself to get out of the car, I made my way into my house, the feeling of loneliness hitting me with my first step. I was sad because Avery was ignoring me, nervous because I could not let Kiana find out my secret, and angry that my mom would do something as stupid as driving while drunk. I had been holding in all these feelings, but I could feel the walls cracking. Knowing that I would not be able to hold it in much longer, I quickly ran to my room, to my safe place. As soon as I had slammed my door shut, the walls crumbled to the ground. Tears poured out of my eyes as I grabbed things and threw them across the room. First my lamp, then my pictures of me with Avery and pictures of me with my parents. I tore the sheets off my bed and all the things off my shelves, my strength causing them to droop. Breathing hard and still wanting to destroy things, I rushed over to my dresser, pulling all the drawers out, flinging clothes around the room. I ran into my bathroom and shoved everything off the counter, before pulling my shower curtain off and letting it fall to the floor. Catching my reflection in the mirror, I saw how sad and angry I was, and with one last burst of strength, I punched it. The mirror shattered, bits of glass flying everywhere. I saw blood in the spot where I had hit the mirror, and when I looked down at my hand, I saw a bloody mess with glass sticking out of it. Feeling angry now at myself for what I did, I let out an ear-piercing scream.


Author's Note:

I don't know what to say, so that's the end of this note.

Story line and characters are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2015.

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