Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

        At school on Monday, I tried desperately to get Avery to talk to me, but whenever she would see me, she would turn around and walk away. She even ignored my phone calls and texts. When I tried going over to her house yesterday to talk to her, her mom answered the door, saying that Avery was not feeling well. I lost my best friend all because of a stupid tail. Isaac was the only person who I could talk to or who would even want to talk to me. Days went by without a single word from Avery, and it was really starting to hit me. Walking hand in hand with Isaac to my locker, I stopped short when I saw Avery standing at hers, just one locker away from mine. She caught me looking at her and glared before slamming the locker door shut and stomping away. “She’s still not talking to you, I’m guessing?” Isaac asked, having followed my gaze. I shook my head, continuing over to my locker.

        “I don’t know what to do Isaac. I’ve never lied to her before,” I said sadly.


        “We made a promise. She probably hates me now,” I added, leaning my forehead against the cool metal of my locker.

        A voice came over the loud speaker and people quieted down around the halls, “Will Piper Natua please come to the front office? Piper Natua.” I shot Isaac a worried look before turning and heading towards the office.

        Rounding the corner by the office, I was pushed against the wall. “I know you’re hiding something. I overheard you and Avery, and I’m so close to figuring it out. When I find out exactly what it is, your life is gonna be over,” Kiana threatened before walking off. When I got to the office, I asked the secretary why I had been called down. She pointed to the principal’s door, which was closed. I gulped, feeling my palms sweat.

        Knocking on the door, I stuck my head in, “You wanted to see me sir?” He nodded and ushered me in, closing the door.

        Going back behind his desk and sitting down, he motioned to the chair in front of me, “You might want to sit down for this, Miss Natua.” I hesitantly sat down in the chair, fidgeting uncomfortably. “Miss Natua, I received a phone call not too long ago . . . from the hospital,” he cut off, clearing his throat. Hospital? “Your mother was in an accident.” Those words came out of his mouth, and the world seemed to slow down.

        “I—I need to go. I need to see my mom,” I said in a daze, grabbing my bag and rushing out the door. The hallways were completely empty, so I got out to my car quickly.


Author's Note:

Sorry, it's such a short chapter. 

I'm really anxious about getting my new story posted, so I'm trying to get this one finished as soon as possible. I already have 2 ongoing stories and don't want to add another.

I hope you guys will like my new story (it's a Klaus fanfic!)

Story line and characters are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2015.

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