Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

         Avery’s mom pulled up in front of my house, and I thanked the both of them before getting out. “See you at school!” Avery yelled out the window as her mom started driving off. I waved to let her know I had heard and took a deep breath, twisting the door knob. When I entered the house, I saw that it was empty. My mom must have gone to work. Relieved, I made my way to the back of the house where my room was. I flopped backwards onto my bed and just laid there, not wanting to move. After a couple minutes, I decided to get cleaned up. I went into my adjoining bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, I saw myself, but a more exhausted and injured version. Turning the shower on, I looked down at my stitches. The doctor said to be careful of them when showering and to protect them. Thinking quickly, I rushed out to the kitchen to grab saran wrap. I got back into my room and started gently wrapping it around the part of my leg that had stitches. When I was done, I just stared at my leg; it looked weird, but my creation worked. Stripping my clothes off, I pulled the shower curtain back and stuck my foot in. The lower half of my body started to tingle, and I started falling. My back hit the cold tile, and when I looked down at my feet, I saw something I definitely wasn’t expecting. I had a tail. Shocked, I stared at it. The entire thing was purple and it was BIG. I slowly reached a shaky hand out towards it and felt the smooth scales. Pulling myself over to sit against the wall, I flopped my tail around a bit, getting used to the feeling of it. My body started to tingle again slightly and I watched as my tail turned back into legs. Standing up, I caught my reflection in the mirror from the corner of my eye. Turning my head to look fully at myself, the only things I could look at was my eyes. They were purple, like my tail. Slowly, the purple faded from my eyes, only to reappear in my hair. What was going on?! Wanting to see it all again and still needing to get cleaned up, I plugged the tub and let it fill, then locked my bathroom door. As soon as the tub was full, I shut the water off and quickly sat down in the tub, so that when I lost my legs, I wouldn’t fall. I felt the tingling again as my legs changed. I smiled as my tail made small waves. Going to grab the shampoo, I reached as far as I could, but my fingers barely touched. I looked down at my tail then back up at the bottle, an idea popping into my head. Using the end of my tail, I hit the bottle towards me. Not getting my hands up fast enough, the bottle smacked me in the face, making me curse silently to myself. I finished washing my hair and needed to wash my body, not to mention, I wanted to try catching the bottle of body wash this time. I used the end of my tail again to flick the bottle towards my hands, and luckily, I caught it. When I had finished bathing, I stayed in the tub, staring at my tail in wonder and amazement. Hearing the front door shut, my eyes widened. Unplugging the tub, I grabbed my towel from the hook and started rubbing it down my tail, trying desperately to dry it. As soon as the tub was empty, my legs started coming back. I stood up and wrapped the towel around myself, rushing out of the bathroom and over to my closet, where I found a sundress, long enough to cover my wounded leg. As soon as I had pulled the dress down into place, I remembered the saran wrap around my leg and pulled it off, scrunching it into a ball and throwing it in my garbage. I tugged on some sandals and quietly slipped out the sliding glass door in my room that led to the backyard. Going around to the front, I hopped on my bike and rode down to where my car was still sitting in the parking lot at the beach. Lifting my bike onto the back of my Jeep, I climbed in the front and pulled out of the lot, heading into town to one of the many surf shops. I would need a new board anyway.


Author's Note:

The picture is of Lucy Hale as Aria Montgomery in Pretty Little Liars. The pink highlights that she has in her hair is kind of what you should imagine when picturing the highlights in Piper's hair, except they are purple, not pink.

We'll be meeting some new characters in the next few chapters, so stay tuned! :)

Story line and characters are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2015.

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