Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

*Isaac’s POV*

        I tried calling Piper’s phone again as I drove to her house. She had gotten called down to the office at school, and when I went to her locker at the end of the day, she did not show. When I went out to the parking lot, I saw that her car was gone. I tried thousands of times to call and text her, but all I got was silence. As I got closer to her house, I could see her car in the driveway, but all the lights were off. Weird, it’s only 8:30. She wouldn’t be asleep this early, would she? Still getting no answer on the phone, I threw it onto the passenger seat and pulled into the driveway next to her car. Quickly getting out of the car and getting to the front door, I knocked loudly, hoping someone inside would hear. After a minute, there was no answer, so I decided to try the knob. I found it unlocked, and I slowly entered, squinting in the darkness. Searching the wall for the light switch, my fingers hit something smooth and rectangular. I flipped it up, and the sight in front of me made my eyes widen. Everything was floating in the air, and it was dead quiet. Starting to panic, I called out Piper’s name before rushing to the back of the house where her room was. “Piper?! Piper, where are you?” I shouted frantically. Bursting into her room, I saw that it had been trashed. Whether by Piper herself or someone else, I did not know. Clothes and broken picture frames were floating around slowly. Walking further into the room, I tapped a lamp as it passed by. As soon as I touched it, it floated in the opposite direction. “Piper?” I called out quietly. My head snapped in the direction of the bathroom, hearing a faint moan. I slowly made my way over to the door and discovered Piper, who was lying in a pool of blood, pale and unconscious. Rushing to her side, I inspected her, making sure she was not hurt anywhere else. “Oh god, Piper, what did you do?” I lifted her head up, brushing purple strands of hair out of her face. “Piper? Piper! Come on, babe, wake up,” I pleaded softly. She stirred, eyes opening slightly.

        “Hey,” she mumbled obviously weak.

        “Piper, what the hell happened? No, don’t tell me now. Wait until after we get you to the hospital,” I told her, scooping her small body into my arms. Exiting the bathroom, I had to push past drawers and glass to get to the door.

        “Wait, stop,” she said, lifting her head off my shoulder. She looked around her room, eyes widening as she took everything in, “It’s true.”

        Confused I looked down at her, “What’s true?”

        “After I passed out, I had the weirdest dream. At least, I think it was a dream. I was sitting in a room I had never been in before and everything was floating. Just like this,” she said, astonished as she watched a movie float past her hand. “Then, that must mean . . . put me down,” she added.

        Looking at her like she was crazy, I replied, “You can’t even hold yourself up.”

        “Just do it; trust me,” she insisted. I sighed and put her down on her bed, helping her sit up against her headboard.

        “Why aren’t I taking you to the hospital right now?” I asked, skeptically.

        “Because you don’t need to,” she commented, staring at her bloodied hand. All of a sudden a smile spread across her face. I looked down at her hand too and saw the glass pulling itself out. The blood stopped flowing out, and the wound closed as the glass fell to the ground, making a light clinking sound. She flexed her fingers as the both of us inspected her newly healed hand.

        “How did you do that?” I asked, looking back up at her face. Instead of answering me, she stood up off the bed and I moved slightly, ready to catch her if she fell. She stood all on her own, clearly having gained her strength back. She closed her eyes, raising her hands in front of her. Everything shuddered before falling to the ground. Loud thuds from the other rooms could be heard as objects went back to their original positions. Piper frowned, furrowing her eyebrows, displeased. She seemed to be concentrating hard. The objects that were broken began to fix themselves, and everything moved back into its spot, looking brand new. Piper finally opened her eyes, letting her hands fall down to her sides as she looked around at her handiwork.

        “What just happened?” I asked, eyebrows raised in amazement.


Author's Note:

Girl got powers! 

Only a few more chapters left before the story is over and I can start posting my new one! Can you tell I'm exited?

Story line and characters are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2015.

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