Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

        “Hey, so I’ve been doing some thinking,” Avery said as she walked in my room, plopping down on my bed and making my binder shift.       

        “Uh oh, don’t do too much of that; you might hurt yourself,” I joked, not taking my eyes off my homework.

        “Shut up,” she laughed, bumping my shoulder. “Anyway, I’ve been thinking about this problem with Kiana. We should totally come up with a plan to get her off your back. Like plant a murder weapon and get her sent to jail or something.”

        My head snapped up, “What? Avery, we can’t do that!” She put her hands up and was quiet.

        “Well, what if we plant drugs and get her sent to rehab?” Slowly lifting my head, I looked at her, thinking about it before letting a smile spread across my face.

        “That’s a brilliant idea actually! We can plant some pills or something in her bag or locker, her parents will think she’s an addict, and she’ll get sent to rehab!” I exclaimed.

        “And, luckily for you, I know of a rehab facility in California. She’ll be out of Hawaii and out of your business. I printed off some papers from their website,” Avery added, pulling papers from her bag.

        “You are absolutely brilliant! You know that?” I told her, looking over the information. The smile fell from my face as realization hit me, “Wait, where are we going to get drugs from?”

        Avery looked away, thinking before snapping her fingers. “I still have some pain pills and some sleeping pills from when I broke my leg and got my wisdom teeth removed,” she confessed.

        “I think I do too actually,” I said, getting up to look through my bathroom drawers. Finding them, I stood in the doorway, holding the bottle up for her to see. Sitting back down on my bed, we went through how the plan would go.

        The following day at school, Avery and I stood at our lockers, whispering about the plan. The bell rang overhead and people scurried to class, everyone except for us. The halls emptied quickly, and we both looked around, making sure that the coast was clear. We went down the hall a little ways to Kiana’s locker, and Avery stood at the corner so that she could warn me if someone was coming. Wanting to limit fingerprints so that we did not get caught, I closed my eyes, focusing on unlocking the locker with my powers. I heard it creak open, and I moved my concentration to the bag of pills in my pocket. I could feel my pocket shift, and I opened my eyes, watching the bag place itself in the locker before the locker door slammed shut. Looking down at Avery, who was watching me, I gave her a thumbs up, telling her that it worked. An anonymous tip was sent to the principal, saying that Kiana Lono was seen popping pills at her locker. Within the next hour, the police were searching her locker. Upon finding the pills, they took her to the office where they called her parents. Avery and I stood by the entrance waiting for Kiana’s parents to show up. As soon as they walked up, Avery stopped them.

        “Sorry to bother you, but I’m a good friend of Kiana’s, and I heard that they found pills in her locker. I only want the best for her, so I printed off some information about this really good rehab facility,” she faked worry, handing them the information she had shown me. Kiana’s father took the information and thanked her, walking off. Turning around, she high-fived me, and we walked off to our cars.


Author's Note:

Okay, I lied. There's one more after this. Then the story is over.

Story line and characters are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2015.

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