Omega hero

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"Peter, wake up." May said as she knocked on his door.
"Yeah." He groans tiredly.

He fumbled down the stairs after he got dressed in a pair of jeans with cutout holes in the knees and a red flannel shirt.
"Mornin, what's for breakfast?" He kissed his aunt on the cheek as he passed her to get to the fridge.
He grabs the orange juice and pours himself a glass.
"Pancakes, bacon, and toast."


"Have you been taking your pills?" She wondered.

"Yeah. I took them before I came down."

"Good. I want you to find your mate, but not get attacked by every crazed alpha in the city." May worried.

"I'll be fine aunt May, I promise."

Peter was stronger than the average omega, he's even stronger than most alphas, but whenever his heat came, he would get weaker than his normal and have a hard time fighting against average alphas. If they were super powered it was worse, that's how he learned to never go out when it was his heat. Of course he had to learn the hard way, the first and last time he went out during his heat, he fought doc ock, good thing Ironman came to help.

After breakfast Peter was off to college, he walked to the bus stop and waited for his ride.
He had headphones on listening to music; currently fly high by burnout syndromes was playing.

He didn't notice that someone was standing next to him, his spidey sense didn't say danger.
Suddenly his headphones were taken off his head,
"Hey?" He turns to the person, who was dressed in a red suit and a mask with swords strapped to his back.
"Ahh! What the?" He jumps away, because it was deadpool, and he didn't know what to expect.
"This is a good song, I love the anime." Said deadpool.

"Don't take things from people." He recovered from shock, and took back his headphones. "And why are you dressed like that?" He acted oblivious as to who he was.

"Oh, that's a long story, do you wanna hear about it?"

"Not really. I have to go to college." Thankfully the bus was coming as he said that.

"Well then, college boy have fun learning."
Peter ran on the bus as fast as he could.

On the bus, peter breathes freely, still feeling awkward from the encounter he just had.
"God, why does Deadpool have to be the first thing I deal with in the morning?" He asked himself.

School was great, Peter being the nerd that he was, actually loved to learn.
He's planing on going for a PhD in quantum mechanics, he wants to work with NASA one day.
"Peter, wanna have Taco Bell for lunch?" Ned asked.

"Sure, haven't had that in a while."

"Oh yeah, I heard they have some new items on the menu." Ned was already drooling thinking about food.

Once the class was done, they pack up their things and head out downtown for lunch.
Taco Bell was surprisingly empty at this time, only a few people were sitting down inside, and three people were in line.
Peter scans the room and realized why it was so empty, deadpool was sitting in a seat near the window.
"Oh man, that guy is so weird." Peter hides behind Ned.

"Oh is that deadpool? Have you ever fought him?" Ned whispered.

"No, he's not really a villain but he's just a little crazy."

"So, why are you hiding from him?"

"He stood next to me at the bus stop and took my headphones off to listen to my music."

"That's a little weird, but not crazy."  He walks up the to counter.

"Hi, what can I get you?" The cashier asked.

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