The right time

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More spice...or maybe a twist?

Peter wakes up feeling very warm, large arms were wrapped around him and he looks up at his alpha.
The memory of last night coming back to him, a blush on his cheeks as he realized they were still naked.
Wade's bare chest was steady with slow breathing, he was still sleeping. Peter couldn't help but watch and memorize the details of Wade's body.
"I might be ready, to go all the way." The omega thought to himself.
Wade started to stir around, he squeezed Peter closer to himself.
"Wade, I need to breathe."

"Oh, sorry." He rolls over still wanting to sleep, Peter felt a little rejected when the alpha turned his back to him.
"Hey, I still want to cuddle." He pressed into his large back, that's when Wade fully woke up and turned back over, pinning Peter under him quickly.
"Well good morning baby boy. I almost forgot what we did last night." He grins.

"Wait, I just want to cuddle." His face flushed quickly.

"How can we cuddle when we're naked?"

"Let me put pants on."

"Peter." His voice was low, it almost sounded dark. "I think you should go home."

"Why?" His spidey sense suddenly went off, telling him the same thing.

"You need to take your pills, and my rut is coming."

"Oh crap, I forgot I didn't bring them with me. Oh god." He was scared; of leaving and not leaving. If he went out then another alpha could pick up his scent, not like he couldn't fight them off, but if he didn't leave then Wade wouldn't be able to control himself, and he didn't want his first time to be during the alphas rut, that could be dangerous in many ways.

"Peter, I won't ask you to help me. Just go home now." He pushed him away.

"I'll leave my shirt behind, and take one of yours. So we both have something of each other." He got dressed, Wade's shirt almost looked like a dress on him.

"Good idea. Now go."

"It hasn't started yet, why are you pushing me away so fast." He walked around the bed and bends down to give him a kiss on the head. "You're stronger than that, aren't you?"

"Yeah. But I like to relieve myself before it gets too bad, maybe give me a little help." He gives a playful smile.
Peter slowly sits on his lap and starts jerking the alpha off, they passionately kiss, wade was already twitching from pleasure.
"Oh fuck, why do your hands feel so good?" He lays down letting the ecstasy flow through his body.

Peter still felt nervous to use his mouth, something that big might make him choke. His hands seemed to be doing the job good enough, so he didn't worry about it.
"A little faster Peter, it feels so good."
He listened and pumps his hands faster, Wade grips the bed sheets as he came onto his stomach.
"Oh fuck, that felt amazing."

"Okay, I'll get going. I need my pills." He kissed Wade softly.
"Let me know when you get home."

"I will." He climbs out of the window up to the roof and jumps the buildings to get home faster.
He walked the sidewalk when he was a block away from his house. No one was around, he was safe and once inside the door he texted Wade to let him know. Then ran upstairs to take his pills.

The next few days Wade withered in bed, smelling Peter's shirt while pleasuring his animalistic urges.
"Ah, peter."
That was the third time in an hour, he couldn't stop.
He was so antsy for the real thing, but the little voice in his head told him to stay home.
"I need more." He smothered himself in Peter's shirt, inhaling deeply. The scent started to calm him, and he slowly drifted into sleep.

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