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"Rocket man, rocket man, something something, burning rocket man." Deadpool sings horribly.
[that's not how it goes]
"I don't care." He argues with the voice in his head.

He was waiting for his target, and was killing the time with singing.
Soon he made his appearance, deadpool locked the man in his sights.
"Hello shiny baldie." He took a breath and pulled the trigger, his brains splatter all over.
"Bye bye baldie."
He cleans the area and leaves without a trace, all in time to make the bus and see Peter.

Wade was in his normal clothes and walked to the bus stop.
He could already see Peter sitting on the bench like always.
"Hiya Peter."

"Morning wade."

"Off to college?"

"Yup, until September, and then I have to go for another term in spring."

"Sounds like hard work, what are you going for?"

"Quantum mechanics, I'm going to work with NASA once I'm done with schooling."

"Wow, big brain over here. NASA, that's impressive."
Wade pats him on the back in pre congratulations.

"Thanks. I don't have a scholarship but I know a guy who can help me." He shyly admits.

"Okay okay, I see mr. big shot."

They board the bus and sit next to each other, continuing the conversation until Peter had to get off. Wade rode the bus a few stops after then got off.
He makes his way toward the college, already thinking of a plan to win Peter over.

Wade finds a tree and climbs it, sitting on a large branch he tries to look around for the cute chocolate haired omega.
He gave up after a few minutes, wanting to think about how he was going to sweep Peter off his feet.

"I could find someone to kidnap him and I come in and save him."
[as you or deadpool? Are you sure you want him to know that you're the weirdo in red tights?]
"As myself duh, he would never talk to me again if I saved him as deadpool and he found out."
[and having someone kidnap him doesn't sound like the best idea.]
"Well that was just my first idea, I have more."
Wade argues with the voice in his head, while laying in the tree.

The omega that he was pinning over was currently taking a math test, and it was actually difficult for him.
He looks out the window for any inspiration in solving these problems, and spots a not so friendly creature.
The lizard was crawling slowly up towards the building.

"Oh man, what should I do?" Peter whispered to himself.

"Oh my god, there's a monster." Yelled a girl who also looked out the window.

"Great." He rolls his eyes.

Everyone rallied around the window alerting the lizard and he hissed up at them and ran through the doors into the college.

"Everyone needs to get out and find a safe place to hide, now!" Yelled the professor.

Soon everyone was running and screaming exiting the building quickly.
Wade watched confused from the tree, wondering what was going on.
Then he noticed a certain someone wrapped in the tail of a giant reptile.
"Peter!" He jumps from the tree and starts to put on his suit, not caring if anyone noticed.

"Someone was grabbed by the monster." A girl cried.

"Who's going to save him?"

"Where's Spider-Man when you need him?"

Deadpool was finally dressed and running after the lizard.
Peter was helpless without his suit to protect his identity, all he could do was scream for help.
"What do you want with me?"

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